Job description of the artistic director of the theater. History of creation Artistic director of the theater

Job description of the artistic director of the theater. History of creation Artistic director of the theater

Theater director

GITIS im. Lunacharsky 1985 release, workshop People's Artist USSR I.V. Ilinsky and prof. Topchieva L.G.

Serves as an actor in the theater "NEAR the Stanislavsky House" since 1977.
He is the director and actor of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “MDT “ApARTe”.
Artistic director of the leisure cultural institution "Theater House "Old Arbat".

Roles in the ApARTe theater:

  • Polonius - “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare (dir. G. Strelkov);
  • Mayor – “Inspector.” 1835 » N.V. Gogol (dir. A. Lyubimov);
  • Gazgolder Dmitry Alexandrovich - “Road of Flowers” ​​by V. Kataev (dir. T. Arkhiptsova);
  • Baron - “Little tragedies” based on the works of A.S. Pushkin (dir. A. Lyubimov);
  • Glov Sr. - “The Players” by N.V. Gogol (dir. D. Efremov).

Director of the play "MDT "ApARTe" "The fool took pity on the fool" based on the play "Julieta" by S. Rubbe (premiere of the 2015/2016 season).


  • 1987 “Subjects of the Revolution” Sverdlovsk Film Studio, film, dir. Serg. Martyanov, role of Kostromin;
  • 1992-1994 “Goryachev and others” series, Channel 1, role Ivan Afanasyevich;
  • 2000 “Portrait of Madonna”, Culture Channel, dir. Yu. Pogrebnichko, role of Mr. Abrams;
  • 2003 “The Return of Mukhtar” series, dir. V. Shalyga and A. Polynnikov, role of Tambur;
  • 2004-2008 “Blind” (Liquidator), series, dir. S. Mokhovikov, S. Lyamin, episodic role Psychologist;
  • 2006 “Ostrog. The Case of Fyodor Sechenov", series, dir. S. Mats, S. Danelian and other episodes. role of Lawyer;
  • 2007 “Atlantis” series, RWS studio, dir. A. Sukharev episode. role of Lawyer;
  • 2007 “Alibi Agency” series, dir. P. Safonov (series: “The Philosopher’s Stone”), role of Professor;
  • 2008 “Door” short film, dir. O. Galin, ch. role of Mikhail Ivanovich;
  • 2009 “The Serpent’s Lair”, TV series, dir. Yu. Kuzmenko, role of chief physician;
  • 2010 “Fomich” short film, Preobrazhenie studio, dir. Nick. Shkunov, lead role Fomich;
  • 2011 “Furtseva” Channel One, series, dir. S. Popov, role A. Mikoyan;
  • 2011 “Gyulchatai” series, dir. R. Prosvirin, role Lev Davydovich;
  • 2102 “Team Che”, TV series, dir. A. Sukharev, (series “Players”) role of Goikhman;
  • 2014 “Craftsmen”, series, dir. Sun. Aravin, role of Sturm;
  • 2016. A series of feature-journalistic films “Dear Great Books”, Culture channel, dir. T. Arkhiptsova, presenter (librarian).


  • Zhevakin - “The Marriage of N.V. Gogol, dir. Yu. Pogrebnichko, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Man - “Man and Woman” S. Zlotnikov, dir. Yu. Pogrebnichko, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Glov - “Players” N.V. Gogol, dir. A. Levinsky, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Nagg - “The End of the Game” S. Beckett, dir. A. Levinsky, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Slocum - “About All Those Falling” S. Beckett, dir. And Levinsky, theater NEAR Stanislavsky’s house,
  • Aramis - “The Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas, dir. Yu, Pogrebnichko, theater “NEAR Stanislavsky’s house,
  • Uncle Julius - "Kid and K." A. Lindgren, dir. I. Oks, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Julitta – “We Need a Tragic Actress” A. Ostrovsky, dir. Yu. Pogrebnichko, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house,
  • Mr. Abrams - "Portrait of the Madonna", dir. Yu. Pogrebnichko, Williams, theater NEAR Stanislavsky's house.

Actor, director, founder and artistic director of the ApARTe theater.

Education: graduated in 1985 State Institute theatrical arts with a degree in drama theater actor, and in 1989 with a degree in musical theater director.

Since 1979, A.G. Lyubimov attended a serious theater school at the Youth Theater-Studio “On Krasnaya Presnya” under the direction of V.S. Spesivtsev, where he was involved in almost all the famous Krasnopresnensky performances, and since 1981 he himself staged performances and taught young people .

In 1987 he created the theater-studio “Group of Citizens”. His performances " dog's heart"by M. Bulgakov and "Invitation to Execution" by V. Nabokov became laureates of the festival "Lefortovo Games-87".

In 1993, the theater-studio “Group of Citizens” was transformed into the Moscow Center for Performing Arts “ApARTe”, and in 1998 - into the Moscow Drama Theater “ApARTe”, where A.G. Lyubimov currently serves, stages performances, plays roles .

Director Lyubimov's performances are always positive and moral. The main thing in them is “an analysis of modern morality, designed for a thinking viewer, questions of human responsibility for his actions, careful attitude to the language of the work" (The Moscow Times). The productions created by the director based on modern material are also permeated with the urgent theme of responsibility to society and one’s own conscience.

His performances were presented at festivals in Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Frankfurt, Magnitogorsk, Pskov, Omsk, Vitebsk.

As a director and actor, Lyubimov is constantly mastering new genres. In 2009 at the School modern dance“Matisse” he staged a choreographic performance “Yin without Yang”, and within the framework International festival“ARMMONO” - one-man show “Call from Above”.

A. Lyubimov is the founder and artistic director of the International Festival “Young Theaters of Russia”, which promotes the achievements of the Russian theater. He is raising a new generation: he teaches at the Slavic University of Moscow, runs a children's theater studio at the Old Arbat Theater House.

A. Lyubimov is an actor with enormous potential, which he successfully realizes both in his own productions and in the performances of his colleagues. “His acting work always sets the rhythm of the performance, becomes its semantic core” (Theater Box Office magazine about “Measure for Measure”, awarded by the Moscow Department of Culture for the best directorial debut in 2006). “He is always different and always the conductor of the play” (“Planet Beauty” about the play “About the Wet Snow”).

1979-1987 - actor and director of the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya.


  • “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by R. Bach (1980);
  • The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (1980);
  • “Imagine” J. Lennon (1981);
  • “Fantasy” by K. Prutkov (1982);
  • “Goodbye, my friend...” B. Vasiliev (1983).

1987-1993 - thin Head of the theater-studio “Group of Citizens”.


  • “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov (1987);
  • “Run, rabbits, run” by F. Iskander (1988);
  • “Invitation to Execution” by V. Nabokov (1989);
  • "Tsar F.I." A. Tolstoy (1990);
  • “Captain, captain, smile” by J. Verne (1991);
  • “Oedipus the King” by I. Stravinsky (1992);
  • “The Death of Tarelkin” by A. Sukhovo-Kobylin (1993), GITIS.

Artistic director of the Moscow Center for Performing Arts (MCCA) "ApARTe".


  • “Telephone” by K. Menotti (1994), Moscow, RATI;
  • “Once upon a time” A. Gladkov (1995), Omsk, State Musical Theater
  • "Crime and N." F. Dostoevsky (1995), Berlin, "ORPTNEATER" (with ICCA "ApARTe")
  • “Playing Gogol” N. Gogol (1996), Paris, “ARIATEATRO” (with ICCA “ApARTe”)
  • “The Innkeeper” by K. Goldoni (1996), Omsk, State Fifth Theater
  • “Talents and Fans” by A. Ostrovsky (1996), Yekaterinburg, Academic Drama Theater
  • “Three Visits of Doctor Astrov” A. Chekhov (1997), Omsk, “State Fifth Theater”
  • “Belkin's Tales” by A.S. Pushkin (1997), Omsk, State Chamber Theater

From 1998 to the present - artistic director of the Moscow Drama Theater "ApARTe".


  • “Ivan and the Devil” F. Dostoevsky (1998), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • “What’s in my name for you” A.S. Pushkin (1999), Omsk, State Chamber Theater
  • “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboedov (2000), Moscow, Class Theater
  • “About wet snow” F. Dostoevsky (2000), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • “Captain, captain, smile” by J. Verne (2001), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • "Masha, Irina, Olga and others." A. Chekhov (2003), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • “Trouble from a Tender Heart” (Vaudeville) V. Sollogub (2004), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • “Phaedra” by J. Racine (2005), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • “And I loved this fool” A. Yakhontov (2006), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • "Solaris. Inquiry" S. Lem (2006), Moscow, "ApARTe"
  • “French passions at a dacha near Moscow” (2007), Omsk, “State Fifth Theater”
  • “Chronicle of a Forgotten Island” G. Egorkin (2006), Laboratory of Contemporary Drama of the STD RF
  • “Strangers Don’t Walk Here” V. Zuev (2007), Laboratory of Contemporary Drama of the STD RF
  • “Strangers don’t walk here” V. Zuev (2009), Moscow, “ApARTe”
  • "Agatha Christie. Detective" - ​​Meredith Blake (dir. A. Lyubimov), "ApARTe"
  • “About Lyubov Ranevskaya” based on the play by A. Chekhov “ The Cherry Orchard" - Lopakhin (dir. A. Lyubimov), "ApARTe"
  • “Inspector. 1835" N. Gogol - Artemy Filippovich Strawberry (dir. A. Lyubimov), "ApARTe"
  • “Little tragedies” based on the works of A.S. Pushkin, “ApARTe”
  • “Fathers & Sons” I. Turgenev, “ApARTe”
  • “At the Bottom” M. Gorky, “ApARTe”
  • “Saving Captain Grant” J. Verne, “ApARTe”
  • “Scary Tales” based on the works of V.F. Odoevsky; A. Pogorelsky; V.P. Titov and A.S. Pushkin, “ApARTe”

Film roles:

  • “Golden Wedding” (dir. N. Motuzko).

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise" belongs to the "Professionals" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete higher education in the relevant field of training (master, specialist) and advanced training. Experience creative work at least 5 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- current legislation in the field of culture and art;
- the most important cultural and artistic achievements;
- methodology creative process;
- the basics of stage design, directing, vocal, choreographic, acting and musical performance skills;
- experience of domestic and world cultural institutions;
- classical and modern repertoire;
- basics of labor organization and management, copyright and labor law;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, the artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Organizes the entire range of creative and production activities of the theatrical and entertainment enterprise.

2.2. Determines the overall artistic and creative concept, perspectives creative activity in the general state cultural policy.

2.3. Forms repertoire plans, determines deadlines for their implementation and monitors their compliance.

2.4. Responsible for the creative and economic results of the theater and entertainment enterprise.

2.5. Ensures the artistic quality of the current repertoire, contributing to the formation and satisfaction of the population's needs in the performing arts and musical arts.

2.6. Attracts leading masters to creative cooperation, works with composers, writers to create new musical and literary works, maintains constant contact with creative unions and the media.

2.7. Ensures qualified staffing and use of creative personnel.

2.8. Conducts educational work, determines the system, forms and procedure for improving the professional qualifications of creative workers.

2.9. Controls the creative and labor discipline of the artistic staff, makes proposals for the pricing of artists, incentives and disciplinary sanctions.

2.10. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.11. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to its activities.

3.6. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his official duties and management orders.

3.7. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for non-compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The artistic director of a theatrical and entertainment enterprise is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

At least fourteen theaters in 2013–2017 concluded more than 60 contracts totaling more than 97 million rubles with their own managers as individuals or individual entrepreneurs. Theaters hired their own artistic directors as actors and directors, and also rented space and props from them for productions.

Thus, the director of Helikon Opera, Dmitry Bertman, received an average of approximately 440 thousand rubles from his theater. for staging one performance, the head of the Pushkin Theater Evgeny Pisarev - 480 thousand rubles each, the head of the Theater in the South-West Oleg Leushin - 180 thousand rubles each, the head of the Gogol Center Kirill Serebrennikov - 345 thousand rubles each. For acting in their theaters, Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Menshikov earned more than 600 thousand per month, Nadezhda Babkina - 520 thousand per month.

Yuri Kuklachev concluded two contracts for the rental of premises with his own son for 3.76 million rubles, and Pavel Slobodkin rented the premises of his theater and concert center for two years from a company in which he owns a 50% share for 38.6 million rubles. At the same time, they all continued to receive the salary of artistic directors of state theaters.

As a rule, deals were signed on behalf of the theater by deputy artistic directors. It is obvious that they depend on their immediate superiors and cannot make decisions contrary to their interests. This means that this does not free theater managers from conflicts of interest.

All contracts are concluded on a non-alternative basis - with sole supplier. The justification for the contract stated that the artistic directors of theaters are better than others in being able to stage performances and perform roles in them.

Individual entrepreneur Evgeny Pisarev performs in a play directed by Evgeny Pisarev (photo from the Pushkin Theater website)

In addition, it seems difficult to verify the fact of approval: hypothetically, theater managers can approve transactions with the department of culture retroactively after receiving a request from the prosecutor's office to provide documents on the transactions.

For example, the play “Green Zone” by Evgeny Marcelli was shown before approval from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky considers himself the legal successor of the Moscow Art Theater and, without renouncing the traditions that developed during the Soviet era, defines his path after the partition as “a return to Stanislavsky.”

Currently, the Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky is located at 22 Tverskoy Boulevard, in a building built in 1973 according to the design of the architect V. S. Kubasov on the initiative of the Minister of Culture E. A. Furtseva to provide stage space for a large theater troupe. The current Moscow Art Theater owns the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, acquired in the Soviet era. The symbol of the old Moscow Art Theater, a soaring seagull, is preserved by both theaters.

Since October 1987, when the theater declared its loyalty to the founders of the Moscow Art Theater with M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” after the partition, more than seventy performances have been staged.

Still on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky plays plays staged many years ago: “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck, “Three Sisters” by A. P. Chekhov - a performance restored by T. V. Doronina based on the director’s drawing by Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

The theater's repertoire includes performances of various genres, from comedies to dramatic productions, based on the works of classics of world and Russian literature - W. Shakespeare, J. B. Moliere, B. Shaw, A. N. Ostrovsky, A. P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, M.A. Bulgakov and many others - as well as modern writers.

A special place in the repertoire is occupied by performances with the participation of People’s Artist of the USSR Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina: “Vassa Zheleznova” by M. Gorky and “The Old Actress for the Role of Dostoevsky’s Wife” by E. S. Radzinsky.

Currently the artistic director-director of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky - Eduard Vladislavovich Boyakov, President - People's Artist of the USSR Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina.

President of the Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky, People's Artist of the USSR T. V. Doronina

The purpose of the dramatic theater has always been defined by the word “spirituality”. Trying to maintain and develop what is called tradition, we turned to the plays of those authors who have always been considered Moscow Art Theater and, from the first season after the division, defined their path as a “return to Stanislavsky”, as an affirmation of classical theatrical literature. Chekhov, Gorky, Bulgakov, Dostoevsky - in today's interpretation, played by today's sharpened nerves, comprehended by inflamed minds. Soviet playwrights Alexander Vampilov, Viktor Rozov, Alexey Arbuzov. In the traditions of the Moscow Art Theater - contemporary authors. The best of them: Valentin Rasputin, Yuri Polyakov, Vladimir Malyagin.

We are trying to pass on to the young actors who have been accepted into our troupe the best that our great teachers have taught us. The traditions of Russian theater are realism, truth and words for the glory of man. Spiritual improvement, the desire to restore what is called “conscience,” for it is conscience that is the measure of human decency, kindness and selflessness. The presence of conscience in each of us determines “are you a man or a trembling creature,” a citizen of your country or an enemy and covetous person who takes, destroys and ravages the land that gave birth to you. This is a basis for us, very much in demand today, when there is so much crime and moral criteria have been lost. We are returning them. We are on our way.

Theater building

In 1972–1973 Architects V. S. Kubasov, A. V. Morgulis and V. S. Ulyashov built a new building of the Moscow Art Theater (now the M. Gorky Moscow Art Theater): a majestic structure with a dark facade, lined with brown-red tuff. The main facade of the theater is divided into long horizontal stripes, imitating a theater curtain in stone, falling down in folds. A solid white strip of balconies and sharply pushed forward metal brackets supporting lanterns and bas-reliefs depicting the four muses highlight the main entrance, and also introduce rhythm and dynamics to the entire composition. The pylons are completed with compositions of lanterns. A wide staircase leads from the street to the entrances moved deeper into the building. They beckon viewers to enter a very special, wonderful world. The general style of the facade is close to the heavy prototypes of St. Petersburg or even Scandinavian Art Nouveau.

The auditorium seats 1,345 people. An atmosphere of solemnity arises in interiors decorated with wood, stone, and bronze. Everything here is designed in colors characteristic of the old Moscow Art Theater building. The interior of the theater, made using natural materials (dark wood and stone), received an expressive but restrained solution. Not only the walls of the foyer, but also the entire auditorium, columns and even elevator doors are lined with wood. The creative thinking of the authors was revealed in the plastic treatment of walls, support posts, railings and lampshades, combined with a muted color scheme (shades of brown and olive green), creating a certain gloominess in the rooms.

Geometric furniture in a dark green shade harmonizes with islands of greenery highlighted by lighting. The use of the technique of flowing spaces, in which different types of lighting (chandeliers in the form of stalagmites, stairs with luminous handrails) are inventively used to emphasize transitions from one room to another, hides the asymmetry of the internal organization.

The architects created a bright artistic and imaginative solution for the theater building, in which a precise sense of stylistic unity of form, plasticity and color was found.

ABOUT founder, permanent artistic director and chief director of the Theater “On the Embankment” (now the Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Children’s Drama Theater “On the Embankment”), leading its creative history since 1980, as a community of adult professionals and children, teenagers, youth working together on performances and in performances, on the basis of open, conscious and responsible cooperation, co-development and co-creation; author of plays and director of more than 50 dramatic performances of the unique repertoire of the On the Embankment Theater.

Fedor Sukhov - graduate directing department VTU named after. B.V. Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after. E.B. Vakhtangov (1993, diploma with honors); graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute with a degree in Automation and Telemechanics (1984); Studied at VGIK. S.A. Gerasimov at the acting and directing course of S. Gerasimov and T. Makarova, at the personal invitation of the masters (for the role of A. Peshkov in the educational film “My Universities” in the workshop of M. Khutsiev).

Fyodor Sukhov - member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation (since 1993); theater and film actor - more than 10 main roles in 20 films by such directors as: S. Gerasimov, E. Urazbaev, G. Egiazarov, Yu. Sorokin, K. Shakhnazarov and others; played historical characters: Prince Vladimir the Baptist, First Printer Ivan Fedorov, Maxim Gorky, Maximilian Voloshin, Marshal Soviet Union K. Meretskova.

Titles: laureate of the title “Teacher of the Year in Russia”, honorary worker of general education in Russia.

The author of the complex multi-level methodology “4 Theatres: Playing, Educational, Staged and Author’s Theaters for Children” for children (teenagers, youth) and adults, which forms the basis of the activities of the Theater “On the Embankment” and its programs included in the UNESCO program “Observatory of Art Education of the State- CIS participants."

Author of sociocultural projects of the Theater “On the Embankment”: Inclusive cinema theater project“RIVER OF LIFE: I still care” with disabled children (from 2016 to present); Charitable co-creative theater project “PEACE TO YOUR HOME” for orphans, pupils of orphanages and foster families (from 2016 to the present); An open co-creative theatrical project “TIGatoria”, which includes a tradition, a set of methods, practices and research activities (TIG - Theatrical Games) in the space of children's play drama theater (from 2000 to the present).

International activities - world-famous theater teacher: conducted original theater laboratories and master classes in 17 countries, including: Austria, Germany, France, England, Ireland, Finland, Croatia, Slovakia, Montenegro, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia and others; directing and theatrical-pedagogical work at the invitation of the Institute of Theater of National Taiwan University (Taiwan), staging the play “The Cherry Orchard Theater” (Taipei, Taiwan); 5 times led Russian children's and youth theater teams and was the leader of international groups in the EDERED (European Drama Encounters) Theater Camps: in Germany, Israel, Estonia, Croatia and Austria.

Awards: Certificate of Honor from the Union of Theater Workers of Russia “For fruitful theatrical and pedagogical work with young artists”; Gratitude from the Minister of Culture Russian Federation A.A. Avdeeva; laureate of the Moscow Grant competition in the field of science and technology in education; Gratitude from the Head of the Russian Imperial House “For exemplary service to the Fatherland, high professional achievements and significant personal contribution to the development of Russian sciences, culture and art."



This is interesting: