Extracurricular event for schoolchildren. Children against terrorism

Extracurricular event for schoolchildren. Children against terrorism

The scenario “Youth against extremism” was developed with the aim of carrying out extracurricular activity within the framework of the implementation of the comprehensive program MOBUG No. 2 of Novokubansk "Countering extremism and preventing terrorism."



Scenario of the extracurricular event “Youth against extremism”

teachers of history and social studies MOBUG No. 2 of Novokubansk

Ivanenko Olga Borisovna


The scenario “Youth against extremism” was developed for the purpose of conducting an extracurricular event as part of the implementation of the comprehensive program of MOBUG No. 2 in Novokubansk “Countering extremism and preventing terrorism.”

For modern Russia, as for many other countries in the world, terrorism has become one of the most important destabilizing factors. It is a serious challenge to national security, a source of risks and threats for society as a whole and for each individual. In this regard, the formation of anti-terrorist ideology, anti-terrorist knowledge and skills necessary to ensure personal and public security is the most important task facing modern Russian society.

Purpose extracurricular activities is the formation of communicative, socio-psychological, socio-legal, information and social-personal competencies.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of theoretical, practical and educational problems.

TO theoretical problemsincludes the formation of communicative and information competence, which include:

Respectful attitude towards different ethnic cultures and religions (communicative competence);

Knowledge of the main risks and threats to Russia’s national security (information competence).

IN practical problems includes:

Knowledge of the constitutional rights and responsibilities of citizens, legal framework ensuring security (socio-legal competence);

Knowledge of the regulatory framework for countering terrorism (socio-legal competence);

The ability to critically evaluate information reflecting manifestations of terrorism in Russia and in the world as a whole (information competence);

Increasing stress resistance through the development of subjective personality traits (socio-psychological competence).

Educational tasksare associated with the formation of social and personal competencies, consisting of:

In accepting differences and multiculturalism, readiness and ability to interact in a multicultural and foreign cultural environment;

In the formation of citizenship and social activity.

The script is recommended for students in grades 9-11 secondary schools. It would be advisable to invite representatives of the Anti-Terrorism Committee and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to speak and discuss problematic issues.Form of conduct: student performance and “free microphone”. To enhance the emotional impact during the event, presentations, poems, videos, songs and dance compositions on the topic are used.

Event equipment: multimedia projector, screen, presentation “Terrorist Acts”, video “This is All Russia”, phonogram of the song “Youth of Kuban is strength”, audio recording for a dance composition.

Extracurricular activity scenario

"Youth against extremism"

- Hello, dear participants of our event “Youth against extremism”. Today we have gathered with you to talk about a very serious and relevant topic: the danger of extremism, a tolerant attitude towards each other, and also to talk about tolerance, nobility, decency, humanity and mutual respect, and the inadmissibility of extremism and terrorism in interethnic relations.

Our Motherland - Russia - is one of the largest multinational countries in the world. It is home to approximately 166 nationalities and nationalities - from the Russian nation of more than 100 million to small northern peoples, the number of which sometimes does not exceed a hundred people. Each nation makes its contribution to the vibrant palette of Russian cultures. Only through brotherhood and close unity with each other can we overcome any trials. This is what happened on our land for many centuries.

- It is impossible to imagine Russia without people like
-Peter Bagration - Russian general with Georgian roots, hero Patriotic War 1812;
- Abram Petrovich Hannibal - general, Pushkin's great-grandfather on the maternal side, Ethiopian;
- Vladimir Ivanovich Dal – Russian lexicographer, author of “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" - from the Russified Danes;
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is a Russian scientist - self-taught, the founder of modern cosmonautics - from the Poles...

Leo Tolstoy, Georgy Zhukov, Grigory Ponomarenko, Rasul Gamzatov, Ilya Repin, Caesar Kunikov, Marshal Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan, Garry Kasparov, Viktor An... How can we imagine Russia without the names of these and countless other heroes of our history?

We are all citizens of a great multinational Russian Federation!

If they say the word “Motherland”,

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a birch tree - a shy one

And a chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your native village yard.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

(video “It’s all Russia..”)

How beautiful this world is: blue sky and bright sun, flowering trees and green grass, singing birds and fluttering butterflies! Joy, love, smile, carefree laughter.

How fragile this world is! In a matter of minutes, happiness can turn into disaster, laughter can turn into tears, and the clear sky can disappear behind a cloud of gray dust if the values ​​of justice and honor accepted in a normal society are replaced by ideas of violence and extremism.

Extremism is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and hostility. The following types of extremism are distinguished:

  • political
  • National
  • religious

National extremism comes out under the slogans of protecting “our people”, their economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in the same territory.

Religious extremism is understood as intolerance towards dissident representatives of the same or another religion. IN last years The problem of Islamic extremism has worsened.

Political extremism is a movement or movement against the existing constitutional order.

The extreme manifestation of extremism is t terrorism.

The word "terrorism" comes fromLatin: terror – fear, horror and very close to concepts such as “terrorize”, “keep in obedience”, “intimidate”, “carry out reprisals”.

Terrorist attacks cause massive loss of life; destroy material and spiritual values ​​that cannot be restored; sow enmity between states and peoples; provoke wars.

Terrorism can turn an entire society into a victim!

Currently, extremism is acquiring increasingly diverse forms and threatening proportions: at the beginning of the 21st century, there were about 500 terrorist organizations and groups of various extremist orientations operating in the world. Over the past 10 years, they have committed more than 6,500 acts of international terrorism, which killed tens of thousands of people and injured more than 11,000.

IN modern history Almost every day there are bloody events of terrorist attacks.

(presentation “Acts of Terrorism”)

Lord Almighty! Stop the evil
Do not humiliate the innocent with an excuse...
No need for blood, give us all love!
Fill your hearts with happiness and anticipation!

Give me faith that the earth will come to life,
Forgiving the pain of losses gone early...
Let's give her a vow of love - you and I,
She deserves it, she really does.

The world is fragmented... And the pain is unbearable...
How can I help, find the reason?
How can I cure this illness?
To uproot the vile face...

(Tatiana Krasyuk)

And I...and I mourn with you all,
And I want to light my candle
And it's impossible to express in words
Everything I want to say now.
Tears of sorrow flow down your cheeks,
They, after all, like us...wanted to live,
And rejoice... in the sun... in the clouds,
How we...suffer...hope...love.
With one jerk of a merciless hand,
Their lives were cut short at one moment,
The people are mourning...our poems are mourning...
And for relatives there is no greater grief.
Let's light a candle and stand in silence...
There is nowhere to hide from bouquets here,
We mourn... we mourn... we mourn... we mourn...
Yes, how long will this last?

(A. Voinarovskaya)

The causes of extremism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, and values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This is lack of spirituality, lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects for the development of the country, loss of a sense of belonging and responsibility for the fate of the homeland.

The social base of extremist groups consists of people who have failed to adapt to new living conditions. Young people are not able to critically approach the content of publications in the media mass media, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most susceptible to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist groups. Most youth extremist groups are not formal in nature. A number of their members have a vague idea of ​​the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external paraphernalia and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of “secret society” that has the right to carry out reprisals with impunity against persons disliked by the group, all this often attracts young people.

Today, extremism is a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. There has been an increase in informal extremist youth movements. Currently, members of informal youth organizations (groups) with an extremist-nationalist orientation are young people aged 14 to 30 years, often minors aged 14 to 18 years.

Our guest will talk about the dangers of terrorism and measures to prevent extremist crimes.

The ideology of terrorism and extremism is a substitution of values, concepts of justice and honor accepted in normal society.

You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation.

To protect yourself from such a terrible phenomenon as terrorism

You should not meet suspicious people (strange behavior, clothing, speech);

There is no need to approach ownerless items (other people's bags, packages, things, etc.);

You should pay more attention to your own national culture (traditions, religion, monuments).


Criminal liability for extremism and terrorism arises from the age of 16. The degree of criminal liability depends on the severity of the crime - a fine of one hundred thousand rubles to imprisonment (from six months to life imprisonment).

Acts of violence, terrorism, and intolerance that have become more frequent in recent years have aggravated interreligious, interethnic and other conflicts.

People are increasingly coming to understand that uncompromising and intransigent behavior must give way to more high values– the ability to find mutually acceptable solutions, prevent emerging and overcome existing conflicts. Tolerance is the path to peace!”Show tolerance- this means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.Be tolerant -means respecting others regardless of differences. This means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together

We are very different, but we must live in peace. Title of the next one musical composition"Tolerance works wonders."


Once upon a time there lived a little fox, he was scared in the forest: incomprehensible rustles and sounds. And then friends came: raccoons, tigers, hares, zebras and elephants. They took pity and supported the little fox. And it became not scary, but fun.

(dance "Foxes")

Let your heart filled with friendship, kindness, tenderness, mercy, love, sincerity, sincerity and patience.

The word “We” is stronger than “I”.
We are family and we are friends.
We are the people, and we are united.
Together we are invincible.

We believe that the future is in our hands
We must respect, appreciate and accept the culture of every people
We want goodness to reign on earth
We can make tomorrow happy
Youth of Kuban against extremism!

(song “Youth of Kuban”)

Recently, the world has been increasingly talking about the threat of terrorist attacks. In our country, one of the most cynical is the hostage-taking at school No. 1 in the city of Beslan, North Ossetia, committed by terrorists on the morning of September 1, 2004, during a ceremonial assembly dedicated to the beginning of school year. For two and a half days, the terrorists held more than a thousand hostages, mostly children, their parents and school staff, in a mined building. Since then, on this day, Russians remember with bitterness the people who died at the hands of terrorists.

As part of the regional action “Youth against extremism and terrorism”, taking place in the Usolsky district from September 3 to 5, events were held in the Central District Library of the village of Taiturka, dedicated to the Day fight against terrorism. The purpose of all events held by the central library for the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism is informational counteraction to terrorism, the formation of an active civic position among all categories of citizens. Thus, on September 3, students of the Taitur Secondary School were given anti-terror leaflets to be vigilant and careful in any situation, and on September 5, a conversation was held for students Agricultural-Industrial College “What is terrorism.” The librarians told us what terrorism is, how to avoid ending up in a terrorist organization, and what actions to take if you find yourself being held hostage by terrorists. We remembered the terrorist acts committed in the world in recent years. The entire conversation was accompanied by a presentation. A video was also shown about the tragic events that occurred in 2004 in the city of Beslan. At the end of the meeting, the guys received informational anti-terrorist booklets “In moderation there is good and there is evil...”. As part of the regional action “Youth against extremism and terrorism”, a survey was conducted among village residents about the attitude of citizens towards manifestations of extremism in modern society. IN The library was decorated with an exhibition-requiem “Terrorism. This is our pain…”, at which books and thematic folders with materials from periodicals were provided.

Ikryanova Svetlana Evgenievna
Promotion for students primary classes"Together against terror!"

Target: fostering a sense of mercy, compassion; fostering respect for people fighting for world peace.

Equipment: presentation "Lesson of Peace", PC, poster, markers, colored pencils, leaves cut out from green paper.

Progress of the action.

Presenter: Today is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against terrorism. It is connected with the terrible tragedy in Beslan, when from September 1 to September 3, 2004, hundreds of innocent people died, most of whom were children who came to their home school for Knowledge Day.

Snow on the fireplace, snow on the rowan tree,

Snow appeared at the mothers' temples.

Who didn't wait for their sons

From school in Beslan. And daughters...

Who will console them? Who will help them?

Who ordered their children to be destroyed?

Who will dull the great pain for them?

No, they probably won’t find peace.

You raised and educated them,

We wished them joy and happiness in life.

But their young life was cut short...

And they didn’t have to live in the world.

Those who returned are both intact and crippled,

They are about terror will be remembered forever.

And the children will be told about the grief in Beslan,

About what happened then in the country...

I dedicate this poem to my dear guys

And I send a low bow to mothers.

Be strong, take courage, you are in the line alone,

And we won't forget about this terror,

About those who died in Beslan,

About those who died in battle...

Presenter: Let there be a moment of silence. Eternal memory of those killed in Beslan and others terrorist acts.

(A minute of silence. The metronome sounds).

Presenter: We are with you share"Let's say terrorism - no. I suggest you watch the following presentation "Lesson of Peace".

2. View the presentation "Lesson of Peace". (Presentation prepared "vudeourok")

Presenter: Questions for participants:

What new things have you learned about the people’s struggle for world peace?

Name the symbol of peace.

Who drew it?

What's happened terror?

Give an example terrorist attack.

Presenter: Creation of the World Tree.

Guys, would you like to join the fight for world peace?

You have this opportunity. We invite you to create a Peace Tree, where each of you can cast your vote for peace and speak out against terror.

Do you think we can do this?

What do we need for this?

Presenter: Let's distribute responsibilities. Who wants to draw a tree? Who wants to cut out leaves from colored paper? Who will collect signatures?

1 group of children draws a tree,

Group 2 – cuts out leaves from green paper,

Group 3 collects signatures for peace on cut out tree leaves and pastes them on the tree.

(Signatures are the names or surnames of those who sign for peace. Everyone signs the leaves and sticks them to the tree).

Upon completion stock- photograph for memory.

Presenter: Concluding our share want to express your attitude to the world and your position in relation to terror. They have the floor.

1 Terror- there is no more menacing word!

2 Terror- there is no more severe word!

3 Terror- there is no crueler word!

4 Terror- there is no more terrible word!

1 Terror - there is no worse word!

2 Terror- there is no more terrible word!

3 World - creates, terror destroys!

4 Clouds cannot cover the sun, the world terror cannot be defeated!

1 Stand together for peace - there will be no terror!

2 We will be honest and fair!

3 We will be fighters for truth and happiness!

4 We will do everything to the terror did not happen again!

Presenter: Word " terror"translated from Latin means"horror". Terrorists- these are extremely cruel people who want to intimidate us by any means. All of them are criminals, although very often they “hide” behind in beautiful words. But these words cannot be trusted.

There is no need to be afraid of terrorists. Special units and governments of all states are fighting them. The whole world is against terrorism today, people of all nationalities, countries and continents. IN modern world Any person faces many dangers. Of course, we all hope that trouble will bypass us and our loved ones. But a person must be ready for anything. When disaster strikes, it will be difficult to act correctly if you do not prepare in advance. Our site will tell you how to behave in difficult situations.

When something happens, we sometimes don’t have time to think, the threat comes from terrorists or not. The main thing is to act and act correctly. Therefore, on our website you will find rules of behavior in various situations, emergency phone numbers and other important and necessary information. It will help you save your own life and the lives of your loved ones. Share your knowledge with your friends and classmates- and you will become stronger in the face of possible danger!

Presenter: REMINDER


Terrorism today is one of the main threats to human civilization. International terror In recent years, he has proven his extreme cruelty and willingness to stop at nothing to achieve his goals. As a result of committing terrorist Innocent people, children, women, and the elderly suffer from these acts. For terrorist human life has no value. Terrorist the threat is an everyday reality that cannot be accepted and which one must always be prepared to repel. An active civic position for everyone is a necessary condition for successful countering terrorists. We all have a common enemy, and we all - the state, law enforcement agencies, special services, society - must fight it together.

To do this, everyone must know how to behave when a suspicious object is detected, in the event of a threat and during a terrorist attack, what one should be prepared for, what can and cannot be done under any circumstances. This is as important as knowing the rules of first aid. From this booklet you will learn how to behave in the event of a terrorist attack or its threat in order to save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Forewarned means protected! Together we will protect the lives of our loved ones and win terror!


Stay calm Move to a safe distance Immediately call 01, 02, report a suspicious object to a nearby official - driver, conductor, flight attendant, security officer, etc. When evacuating, help each other calmly leave the premises or vehicle. Wait for law enforcement officers to arrive and indicate the location of the suspicious item.

Touch, open, move a suspicious object Use mobile and other radio communications in close proximity to the object Allow shouting, chaotic movements, panic

PARENTS Explain to children that they should not pick up any objects found on the street. (toys, electronic devices, bags, etc.)

They may pose a DANGEROUS TO LIFE


Try to calm down, help those around you calm down. Know that you will definitely be released. Follow the requirements. terrorists When in contact with criminals, behave with restraint and calm

Make sudden, unexpected movements, shout, talk loudly, behave defiantly Move around the room, open bags, use mobile phone Look into the eyes terrorists Conduct moral conversations ethical topics React to any provocative behavior, insults, take independent actions to free yourself


Lie down on the floor, cover your head with your hands, tuck your legs, group yourself. Accurately follow the commands of the intelligence officers

Run towards or away from security officers - you may be mistaken for criminals Scream, gesticulate, take initiative


THEN HELP YOURSELF AND THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU, this concludes our event. Goodbye!



Hostage taking

If you find yourself hostage, know that you are not alone. Remember: Experienced people are already rushing to your aid. Don't try to escape, break out on your own - terrorists may react aggressively. Try to calm down and wait for release.

1) Prepare yourself for a long wait. It takes time for specialists to free you. They don’t waste a minute, but they must plan everything.

2) Try to mentally distract yourself from what's happening: remember the contents of books, feature films, cartoons, solve problems in your head. If you believe in God, pray.

3) Try not to be annoying terrorists: don’t scream, don’t cry, don’t be indignant. Don't demand immediate release either - that's impossible.

4) Don't get into arguments with terrorists, fulfill all their requirements. Remember: This is a necessary measure, you are saving yourself and those around you.

5) Remember that you may have to spend a long time without water and food - save your energy.

6) If the room is stuffy, try to move less to use oxygen more economically.

7) If there is enough air, but movement around the building is prohibited, do simple physical exercise- strain and relax the muscles of your arms, legs, and back. Don't make sudden movements.

8) Remember: if the hostage spends a lot of time with terrorists, it may seem to him that they together, and the whole world - against them. This is a very dangerous mistake! Know: in any situation a terrorist is a criminal, and the hostage is his victim! They cannot have common goals!

Scenario for the action “Children against Terror” “There is no such thing as someone else’s grief.” Script for schoolchildren.

Istratkina Svetlana Nikolaevna Head of Novoguslevsky SDK, Novoguslevsky country house culture branch of the municipal institution N Ts D K, Taldomsky municipal district, Moscow region, village Novoguslevo

Description: This scenario is made to make people realize the seriousness of the threat of terrorism. To draw attention to the problem of terror in our society, about the history of its existence.

Target: Explain what terrorism is, the formation of public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation, studying the rules of behavior in the event of a terrorist attack.

Tasks: To develop the ability of action participants to empathize and feel global problem in the modern world from the threat of terror. To draw attention to this problem, to show how inattentive our community is to this. Teach children how to behave in the face of the threat of terror.

Equipment: posters with various slogans, gouache, a bucket of water, a towel, short educational cartoons, presentation.
Technical teaching aids: PC, multimedia equipment, screen.

Promotion progress:
(Melody “Where the Motherland Begins”)

“No” to terrorism!
Let's say together:
- No to terrorism!
The world needs bright sunshine!
So that people's blood does not spill,
So that there are no dead children!
There is no reason for death and tears.
Adults, listen, this is serious!
We will not tire of repeating again:
- You shouldn't kill people!
It’s not for us to bring flowers to the grave -
They bloom for peaceful beauty.
You should not bring grief to your family!
People need friendship and happiness!
Why don't they want to hear us?!
We can repeat it a thousand times:
- No to terrorism! No war!
We want to live in a peaceful camp!

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered here because our action is connected with the tragic events that occurred in the first days of September 2004 in Beslan. Today is September 3rd, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, and today we will talk about terrorism, what it is and why it is so important.
I want to ask you a question: What is “terrorism” anyway? How do you understand this?
(children's answers)
Terrorism is a threat to society, that is, a threat to people, it is an ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, on decision-making by authorities state power, organs local government or international organizations.

Who is our terrorist?
(children's answers)
A terrorist is a person who uses violence to intimidate and persuade someone.

Any terrorist attack, war is pain, tears, bitterness. This is a terrible shock for a sane person. Innocent people are suffering. Children are dying. In the first days of September, terrorists held 1,128 hostages in school No. 1 in Beslan. Over 350 people died. About 500 people were injured. Of these, 186 are children. The youngest of the dead was 6 months old.

The first terrorism happened in 1878, this is revolutionary terrorism in Russian Empire even during the reign of Alexander II. In the Russian Empire, the main type of terror was individual murders of high-ranking officials by revolutionaries.

Then there were also times civil war 1919 - in Moscow, as a result of a bomb explosion in Leontyevsky Lane, organized by anarchists, 12 people were killed and another 55 were injured.
Terrorist acts in the USSR where on September 25, 1919, the Left Social Revolutionaries staged an explosion in the building of the Moscow City Committee of the RCP (b) on Leontyevsky Lane, where a meeting of “underground anarchists” was taking place. And there were quite a few such terrorist acts.

This is the building of the Moscow Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) destroyed by an explosion in Leontyevsky Lane.
January 8, 1977 - three explosions occurred in Moscow: at 17:33 in the metro on the stretch between the Izmailovsky Park and Pervomaiskaya stations, at 18:05 in the grocery store No. 15 of the Baumansky district food store on Dzerzhinsky Square (now Lubyanskaya), at 18 :10 in a cast-iron trash can near grocery store No. 5 on 25 October Street (now Nikolskaya) - as a result, 29 people died. According to the investigation, the perpetrators of these terrorist attacks were residents of Yerevan: Stepan Zatikyan, Hakob Stepanyan, Zaven Baghdasaryan. The first, recognized as the organizer of the group, had a diagram of the explosive device that went off in the subway in his apartment, while the second had parts of new explosive devices. All three were members of the illegal Armenian nationalist party. All three were sentenced to death and executed.

Russian Federation
In modern Russia, the most high-profile terrorist attacks are associated with the Chechen War and the activities of Chechen separatists. These are mainly explosions and hostage situations.

This is Nord-Ost, explosions at the airport, explosions in the Moscow metro, assassinations, a terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz, a terrorist attack in Stavropol, a terrorist attack in Kizlyar, we cannot list everything today, but we will conclude that children are all very serious and the most the main thing is scary. What conclusions did you draw for yourself from today’s conversation-presentation?
(children's answers)
And now I propose to watch an educational short cartoon and find out how children should behave in various situations related to the threat of terrorism.
(cartoon show)

One story.
Mom with child
We walked along the path.
little son
I fell behind a little.
Suddenly he saw
Beautiful package,
And curiosity got the better of him!
Here he is running towards an expensive package...
Mom saw this picture
And she shouted after him:
“No, my baby, don’t touch the bag!”
Mom took her son by the hand,
She took him away from the terrible place,
She told everything to her little son
And she strictly punished her from now on:
“You need to be vigilant, remember son,
There are evil people - they don't care
That children are dying because of them.
You have to believe me, son.
Tell all the kids and friends:
Anything that lies cannot be lifted.”
“I understand,” the child said to her in response.
- We, mother, will say to terror: “No, no!”
I want to see a peaceful sky
So that everyone has enough bread,
Fruits, cookies, toys, sweets...
No! Of course not to terrorism!
Mom sighed quietly sadly,
She stroked her son and smiled.
“That’s right, boy,” she said.
- No, people don’t need war!
We all need to save the world together!
We must not allow terrorism!

Leading: And in order to support the action these days, I propose to design our joint poster.
(poster design with children's colored palms)

I would like to believe that there will be no more threat from terror anywhere, that we will no longer hear explosions, gunshots, that no one will ever capture anyone again. Is it really possible to kill and mock people, small children? We can stop everything, we can prevent it only when we all unite, when we become united against terror, when we stop thinking only about ourselves and start worrying about those around us. And then all together we will achieve peace in our land. We must start with ourselves!
(song “Sunny Circle”)



This is interesting: