Presentation on the topic “Russian museum”. Presentation on the topic "British Museum" Presentation in English famous museums of Great Britain

Presentation on the topic “Russian museum”. Presentation on the topic "British Museum" Presentation in English famous museums of Great Britain

Right Bank (Rive droite) and Left Bank (Rive Gauche) – defined by the flow of the Seine, from East to West. The Eiffel Tower and the Latin Quarter are Rive Gauche. The Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe are Rive Droite. The Mus?e de Cluny is built on top of a Roman Villa and you can visit the Roman bath-house! It is the medieval museum for France. The Conciergerie was the Prison for those destined to be guillotined. It housed King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette and their children. You can visit the cells. The catacombs are the spooky tour, with millions of tastefully arranged skeletons in a hundred kilometers of subterranean passages – don’t get lost! Entry is near Metro Denfert Rochereau. The sewers – made famous by Hugo in his book, Les Miserables – are a fine working example of 19th century infrastructure. Entry is from a quai on the River Seine near Les Invalides. Chatelet near the Hotel de Ville is the world’s largest Metro station covering twelve levels.

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History The British Museum was created in 1753 on the basis of three collections - the collection of the famous British physician and naturalist Hans Sloane, the collection of Earl Robert Harley, and the library of the antiquarian Robert Cotton, which became the basis of the British Library. The creation of the museum was approved by an act of the British Parliament.

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In the first half of the 20th century, the British Museum expanded its collections of Near Eastern art through numerous excavations in Mesopotamia by British archaeologists. The section of Far Eastern art owes the most valuable part of its collection to A. Stein and P. David. Since 1926, the British Museum has published a quarterly magazine, British Museum Quarterly. At the end of the 20th century, redevelopment was carried out internal space designed by Norman Foster.

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Initially, one of the museum's main treasures was its library, the largest in the UK. Reading room The British Museum has been housed since the 1850s in a separate rotunda building, where Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin worked. In the 20th century, the library received the oldest printed books and Buddhist manuscripts from Dunhuang, the Codex Sinaiticus from Leningrad and an exceptionally complete collection of Hebraistic texts. In 1972, the British Parliament decided to separate the library from the museum, placing it in a separate building. Thus the British Library was born.

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Masterpieces Rosetta Stone The museum was originally conceived as a collection of antiquities Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Along with archaeological finds and objects of art that were brought to London from all over by colonial agents of the British Empire, the museum was replenished with drawings, engravings, medals, coins and books from various eras.

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Standard of War and Peace from the Sumerian city of Ur one of the Ur harps and board game king of Ur “Rams in the Thicket” - paired 4500-year-old figurines prism of Sennacherib, Nabonidus cylinder and Cyrus cylinder cup from Ringlemere cape from Mold man from Lindow tablets from Vindolanda Franks casket excavation materials at Sutton Hoo chess from the Isle of Lewis golden cup of Charles V reliquary for the Crown of Thorns numerous Anglo-Saxon treasures

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British museum

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The British Museum was created in 1753 on the basis of three collections - the collection of the famous British physician and naturalist Hans Sloan, the collection of Earl Robert Harley, and the library of the antiquarian Robert Cotton, which became the basis of the British Library. The creation of the museum was approved by an act of the British Parliament. The museum was originally housed in Montague House, an aristocratic mansion located in London's Bloomsbury district. It opened to visitors in 1759. The collection expanded through the acquisition of antique vases by William Hamilton (1772), Townley marbles (1804, 1814), and Greville's collection of minerals (1810). In 1814-1815, Parliament bought priceless masterpieces from the Athens Parthenon from Lord Elgin. Many of the museum's acquisitions (such as the Rosetta Stone) came to England under dark circumstances. Greece and Egypt, from which ancient monuments were removed, still demand their return.

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In the 19th century, the British Museum experienced a particularly rapid period of growth. The meeting was divided into departments, incl. numismatic, which contains coins and medals from various countries and eras, including ancient Greek, ancient Roman and Persian, as well as the collection of King George IV. The zoological, botanical, geological and mineralogical departments were allocated to a special Natural History Museum under Queen Victoria and transferred in 1845 to South Kensington. On the site of Montagu House there was in 1823-47. The current museum building was built in the classicist style (architect Robert Smirk).

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Initially, one of the museum's main treasures was its library, the largest in the UK. The reading room of the British Museum has been located since the 1850s in a separate rotunda building, where Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin worked. In the 20th century, the library received the oldest printed books and Buddhist manuscripts from Dunhuang, the Codex Sinaiticus from Leningrad, and an exceptionally complete collection of Hebrew texts. In 1972, the British Parliament decided to separate the library from the museum, placing it in a separate building. Thus the British Library was born.

Museums of London

Presentation prepared

Tanyanskaya Lidiya Ivanovna

English teacher

Museums of London

There are a lot of various museums in London.

They tell the story of London and its people.

In you can see 44 massive columns and the reading room of the British Library. Also it is containing Britain’s most important collection of ancient art, writings, coins, drawings. The British Museum was opened in 1753. The Museum regularly organizes exhibitions in special halls.

Only in London will you have the chance to visit the fictitious address of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson .

The Science Museum is a famous museum in SW London, housing collections that illustrate the history and development of science, engineering and industry, with many working models.

The Victoria and Albert Museum is a famous museum in South central London.It is named after Queen Victoria and her husband. It was opened in 1851.

In one of the halls of the Victoria and Albert Museum you can see collections of sculpture, watercolors,miniatures and a large library.

The National Gallery is an art gallery in Trafalgar Square, which contains the largest permanent collection of western paintings in Britain, most of which were painted between 1200 and 1900. It was opened in 1824.

The Tate Gallery is one of London’s best known art galleries, opened in 1897. It contains a unique collection of British paintings from the 16th century to the present day, as well as modern foreign paintings and sculpture.The Gallery also regularly holds special exhibitions.

The museum of Madam Tussaud's is a famous waxworks museum in London, opened in 1835 by Marie Tussaud(1760-1850).It contains wax figures of famous characters in both history and contemporary life.

The Natural History Museum is a museum in London which is open to the public.It has 68 million specimens of animals, plants and minerals. It is famous for its collection of the bones of dinosaurs. It was opened in 1881.

The Museum of London is a museum of London from prehistoric times to the present day,opened in 1976.

The London transport Museum contains a large collection of buses, trams and carriages of tube. It is very popular for children.



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