Analysis of the story The Captain's Daughter according to plan. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter": analysis, theme, main characters

Analysis of the story The Captain's Daughter according to plan. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter": analysis, theme, main characters

« Captain's daughter"An interesting and exciting work. Main topics it contains love and loyalty to loved ones and the fatherland, friendship and betrayal. The work covers a large period of time. Main and minor characters a lot of. Despite this, the captain's daughter is a story. This is because at the time the work was written, novels were considered huge multi-volume works. Although this does not make the interest in the work disappear. Unlike others classical works it is not only read, but also reread several times. And with each reading they discover the work in a new way.

Alexander Sergeevich worked on the story for three years. He wanted it to be a historical and documentary work. He not only studied archival documents, but also visited the places where Pugachev was. There are several sketches of this work. The writer chose exactly the option that could pass the censorship of that time. In the process of writing, Pushkin understands that artistic essay will be much more exciting than the documentary. And he turned out to be right, as always.

Despite the fact that at the beginning of the story the reader meets Pyotr Grinev and it is he who is in the spotlight for a long time. However the main character Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov, is considered. This is not immediately clear. Moreover, when the story comes to getting to know her, those who have known her for a long time do not always speak well of her. For her mother she is a coward, for Shvabrin she is a complete fool. Not only does Grinev look at her with a warning, the reader also begins to doubt her mind. And only gradually can we say that it is she who embodies all the best qualities. Of course, in some ways she remains timid, but in other respects she is very brave and reasonable. Thanks to her qualities, Masha was able to save not only her love with Grinev, but also him. She emerged from any situation in which the girl found herself with dignity and could explain her actions, why she acted this way and not otherwise. It is thanks to Masha that evil is punished and good triumphs.

Pushkin thoroughly studied the places where Pugachev rebelled. Alexander Sergeevich was able to show Emelyan as a man of extraordinary intelligence, honor and courage. After all, many considered Pugachev to be an ordinary robber who gathered disadvantaged people around him. Although few people thought that for this one must have many leadership qualities such as the ability to organize and lead, and know military tactics. Based on historical documents, Pushkin managed to create a beautiful piece of art, in which he talks about global changes in the state. In a terrible time, it resembles a civil war. There are no friends here, relatives can become enemies at any moment and vice versa. This also affects the relationships of loved ones. At such times it is very difficult to remain yourself.

Everyone sees in their own way what the work is written about. For some, this is the love of young people, for others, these are historical events about the troublemaker Pugachev, for others, this story shows that you need to take care of your good name not just all your life, but precisely from childhood.

Main characters - Marya Ivanovna and Pyotr Grinev. They met when they were very young, but despite this, they took their feelings very seriously. Savelich was Peter's teacher, always following him everywhere and keeping an eye on him. By nature a kind person and responsible. And one more main character This is Shvabrin. Negative and not pleasant type.

Pushkin in his work also wanted to show that young people, even spoiled and pampered by their parents, Hard time can stand up for the fatherland and his views. And this can be seen throughout the story, how the characters and will of the young people become stronger.

The meaning of the story It’s quite simple, no matter how you look at it, the main idea is to be true to yourself, not to betray your loved ones and not to be a coward. For some, it is impossible to betray their fatherland, even if they promise mountains of gold.

What does it teach?“The Captain's Daughter” work promotes and teaches virtue, honesty, and loyalty. After reading it, you become as bright and pure as Masha and Pyotr Grinev.

Option 2

Pushkin had the idea to write a novel about a nobleman who went over to the side of the rebels when he was working on the work “The History of Pugachev.” He actually brought this idea to life by writing “The Captain's Daughter.” But in the work, it is not the main character who goes over to Pugachev’s side, but his counterpart, the antihero Shvabrin. Shvabrin went over to the side of the rebels for selfish reasons. The main character Pyotr Grinev, having taken direct part in the Pugachev uprising, did not lose his honor and dignity, remaining faithful to his oath.

The novel is written in the form of family chronicles, similar to the memoirs of the main character, in which Pyotr Grinev himself sums up the results days gone by. Pushkin indicated that he allegedly got these family chronicles from the grandson of the main character. This literary device added authenticity to the work. Pushkin carefully familiarized himself with historical materials and studied the details of Pugachev’s uprising. But the author’s portrayal of Pugachev is somehow one-sided. Pushkin is dismissive of the rebel, casually calling him Emelka in the novel. The writer thereby shows his attitude towards the popular uprising, considering it a senseless bloodshed. Pushkin himself was a nobleman - the hardships and suffering of the common people, which were the cause of such riots, did not really touch the heart of the great writer.

The second line, parallel to the description of the popular uprising, is the memoirs of Pyotr Grinev. An acquaintance with the main character begins, where he appears in the image of a narrow-minded and poorly educated undergrowth, Petrusha. Petrusha is very inert and all his aspirations boil down to getting a warm place in St. Petersburg in “quiet service.” However, the father of the main character instructs him and gives him the right messages - to serve the Fatherland honestly, not to chase awards, to take care of honor and dignity. He has a great influence on his son and Grinev, having “wound” his father’s instructions on his mustache, goes to serve.

Far from home, he immediately begins to make mistakes - he loses at cards and greatly offends his faithful servant. Subsequently, he falls in love with Maria Mironova. Pushkin called the novel “The Captain's Daughter” because it was Maria Mironova who became the guiding star of Pyotr Grinev. For the sake of love for her, he strives to perform feats and even goes to disobey orders. He independently frees Masha, who has fallen into the hands of Shvabrin. Because of this act, he himself becomes accused, but the brave Masha manages to beg forgiveness for him from the empress herself.

The novel "The Captain's Daughter" is a coming-of-age novel. Growing up, a person inevitably undergoes trials. Growing up, Pyotr Grinev also underwent trials, which he passed with honor. Tests when growing up are inevitable, and it depends only on the subject himself how he will go through them and what path in life he will choose - the path of honor, like Grinev, or the path of prosperity, but framed by shame, as Shvabrin did.

Sample 3

The novel consists of 14 chapters. The genre of this creation is considered to be a novel written in the form of memoirs. The main characters are Pyotr Grinev, Maria Mironova, Arkhip Savelyev, Alexey Shvabrin, Emelyan Pugachev and Catherine the Second.

The author, in the novel, gives sufficiently detailed descriptions of his characters so that the reader can independently understand which of the images is positive and which image is negative. The themes of moral choice, dignity, honor and decency are deeply touched upon.

The main character shows moral values, and his antagonist shows the absence of such qualities. Each of the heroes in this novel, sooner or later, faces a big choice. What to choose: honor or dishonor? Everyone decides for themselves, chooses their own path. An important role in the choice, of course, is played by the upbringing of the heroes, which they received from childhood. A clear example of good upbringing and possession of high moral qualities and decency, demonstrates the main character of this novel.

The author discusses the topic of power, which one is better and why it? For some, this is an anarchic government, others prefer a monarchy, and others will say that spontaneous Pugachevism is better. Historical events and their influence on human destiny are one of the main plot lines of the novel. Rebellion and the method of suppressing it, overcoming difficulties along the way, strength of character and will are reflected in this work. Also, the reader is described the problem of a person growing up, the problem of honor and duty to the homeland, and one’s conscience. A person is defined by his actions. Peter is a decent guy who received an excellent upbringing, but Alexey is a man who is ready to act against his beliefs in order to achieve his goal.

Pyotr Grinev is an officer, a nobleman who received a strict but correct upbringing from his father.

Shvabrin is an officer, a vile, cunning and cowardly person who has forgotten about morality and honor.

Maria Mironova is the daughter of a captain, has a kind heart and an angelic voice. A faithful and brave girl.

Pugachev appears in two images. In the image of a noble defender of devotion and honor, and in the image of a cruel despot, frightening his surroundings with executions and punishments. He fights for rights ordinary people, but does it too cruelly.

Catherine the Second - her monarchy is no better than Pugachev’s methods.

Arkhip Savelyev is Grinev's servant. A caring, kind and devoted old man to his master.

It is important to instill in people a sense of duty, morality and nobility from childhood. This work encourages the reader to take care of his honor from a young age and never deviate from an honest path.

Captain's daughter. Analysis of the novel

First, we should talk about the history of the creation of “The Captain’s Daughter.” Pushkin was very interested in the life of Emelyan Pugachev; he prepared thoroughly for writing the work: he read historical documents, took a trip to the Urals and Volga to see with his own eyes the places of terrible events, and talked with participants in the war. The work began in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and ended in one thousand eighty-thirty-six.

This story last piece Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, which was written in prose. The main theme is clearly visible - the place of the “little” man in history. There are also themes such as power and people, honor and dishonor, the price of moral choice, love and reflections on the role of family in our lives.

In order to bypass censorship, Pushkin chose the form of presenting family notes. An important element of the composition is the comparison of Pugachev (with the people surrounding him) with Catherine the Second (with the nobility surrounding her).

If we talk about the historical line, we can distinguish three main elements.

Firstly, up until the tenth chapter, the conflict between the world of peasants and nobles worsens. Emelyan Pugachev “feels” his subordinates, has reliable information about their habits and life, because he himself is part of them. The general, who sent Grinev at the request of his father to serve in the Belgorod fortress, has no idea about life in the territories entrusted to him. He says that Grinev, while in this fortress, will learn discipline and exemplary service. But in reality there is neither one nor the other.

Secondly, if you compare the military council of Pugachev and the general, they are sharply different. If the first one has a lively conversation and in the end a prudent decision is made, then the second one puts the entire advice satirically, and in the end a fatal decision is generally made, which led to the death of the inhabitants of the fortress.

Thirdly, when Grinev wants to save Masha Mironova, the general refuses to help him. The general's verdict was completely logical. If you look at it from the principles of military regulations, it seems fair. If you look at him from the point of view of moral principles, he seems cruel. The general sympathizes with Grinev’s grief, but cannot do otherwise, since he holds the position of an official.

Now you can analyze the main characters.

It is clear that the author partially idealizes Pugachev. He portrayed him not as a merciless killer, as historians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries had done, but as an enterprising and energetic leader. In Pugachev’s relations with his subordinates, there is a lack of respect for rank and everyone could express their opinion, even if it differs from his point of view. A significant detail is the tale of the eagle and the raven. He lives one day at a time and believes that it is better to live only thirty-three years than to live three hundred and eat carrion.

Masha Mironova did not have any special facial features, but she was a kind and sincere girl. It is important to emphasize her loyalty and courage. After all, being very timid, she found the strength to take responsibility: not only for her own fate, but also for the fate of the person she loved. She saves him from shame and exile just as he once saved her from death.

As mentioned above, one of the main themes of the story is honor and dishonor; this theme can be traced by drawing a parallel between Shvabrin and Grinev. These people have a lot in common: age, level of mental development and education. But when it comes to love for Masha, real qualities awaken in both heroes. They cannot be friends, as they turned out to be extremely opposite personalities. They were finally separated by their attitude to duty and honor during the Pugachev rebellion.

The main idea of ​​the work is that the Russian people can endure and endure all the hardships of cruel treatment for a long time, but when the cup of patience is overflowing, the hour of retribution “senseless and merciless” comes.

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  • "The Captain's Daughter" in literature lessons


    Elena Starodubtseva

    Starodubtseva Elena Anatolyevna(1966) - school teacher in the village of Donskoye, Stavropol Territory.

    "The Captain's Daughter" in literature lessons

    Lesson 1. The first chapter of the novel

    Target. Using the example of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" to find out the poet's attitude to the Russian revolt; compare the images of Fonvizin’s undergrowth and Pushkin’s; understand what the atmosphere was like in the Grinevs’ house and what the significance of the image of the hero’s father is in the story; develop students’ ability to analyze the text and relate it to other works; discussion of the content and meaning of the concept of “honor”; develop skills in working with dictionaries.

    During the classes

    I. Review questions

    1. Against the background of what historical event does the narrative unfold in the novel?

    2. What work of Pushkin preceded the creation of “The Captain's Daughter”?

    II. Introductory talk

    Before you begin to study the novel “The Captain's Daughter,” remember in what other novel Pushkin depicted a peasant revolt? Who was at the head of this revolt?

    In the novel “Dubrovsky,” Pushkin showed a peasant revolt, the cause of which was a court decision: the peasants of Dubrovsky were to take over the ownership of Troekurov. The leader of this rebellion was the young Vladimir Dubrovsky.

    Let me remind you that the novel “Dubrovsky” was written in 1832, but was not completed. To find out why, let's remember the main motives of the novel.

    An insult inflicted on a nobleman, the death of a father, a thirst for revenge, a band of robbers, a noble leader of robbers.

    What literary movement are these motifs based on?

    Features of Romanticism. There is a similarity with Byron's poem "The Corsair".

    The novel ends with Dubrovsky disbanding the bandit gang and leaving abroad. Why did the novel end at this point?

    Firstly, by this time Pushkin stood firmly on a realistic position and the novel “Dubrovsky” is a realistic work. Secondly, Dubrovsky is a nobleman. He could not be a robber and leader of rebellious peasants. He just played this role while the thirst for revenge burned within him. But when this role lost its meaning, he leaves the robber environment. Dubrovsky is honest, noble, generous. These qualities are incompatible with robbery, rebellion and robbery.

    Conclusion. the main idea Pushkin is that an honest and noble nobleman cannot be on the side of the rebellious peasants. The concepts of noble honor are incompatible with robbery. Let's remember this thought and move on to the novel "The Captain's Daughter."

    III. First chapter of the novel

    What is this novel in form?

    These are the memories of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev in the form of memoirs, published with the permission of his relatives.

    From the very first lines of the novel, we are immersed in the atmosphere of the estate of a provincial nobleman.

    Tell us about the life of Petrusha Grinev before serving in the army. What work that we studied earlier do these lines remind us of? What do Fonvizin’s undergrowth and Pushkin’s have in common?

    The first chapter of the novel reminds us of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". Petrusha Grinev, just like Mitrofan, is idle, climbs the dovecote, and neglects his studies. His mother spoils him. Just like Mitrofan, Petrusha's teacher is ignorant. Mitrofan's teacher is a former coachman, Petrusha's is a former hairdresser. Both are sixteen years old. But the difference in the depiction of Fonvizin and Pushkin is significant. Fonvizin laughs and mocks Mitrofan, his mother and teachers, his play is a satire. In Pushkin's novel the same thing is described with good humor and gentle irony. In addition, Petrusha and Mitrofan have completely different fathers.

    Let us clarify what the literary term “irony” means.

    Irony is a negative assessment of an object or phenomenon through its ridicule. The comic effect is achieved by the fact that the true meaning of the statement is disguised: the exact opposite of what is meant is said.

    Class assignment. Give examples of ironic images in the first chapter.

    This is a description of the “lesson” of Monsieur Beaupré, during which Petrusha was “busy with business” - making a paper kite from a geographical map. “Achievements” in Petrusha’s studies, when by the age of twelve he “learned Russian literacy and could competently talk about the properties of a greyhound dog.” These include “undoubted successes in service” at the inn, expressed in the excessive consumption of punch and playing billiards, etc.

    Why, despite such negative phenomena, is Petrusha’s childhood described with such kindness and humor?

    Grinev himself describes it many years later, already in old age. It is human nature to remember one’s childhood with warmth. He remembers his childhood not with ridicule, but with a smile.

    At what point did Petrusha’s fate change?

    From the moment his father decided to send him to military service.

    Individual student assignment. Tell about the service of young nobles during the time of Catherine II.

    Now is the time to turn to the epigraphs given by Pushkin to the 1st chapter and to the entire novel.

    What epigraph is given to chapter 1? How does it relate to the content of the chapter? Why does it end with the words: “Who is his father?”

    What do we learn about Grinev’s father from the very first lines of the novel? Who is Minich and what is the significance of the mention of his name in the novel?

    Individual student assignment. Prepare a report about Minich.

    Burchard Christopher Minich (1683–1767), commander, politician. In 1741 he was exiled by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to Siberia. Returned from exile by Peter the Third, to whom he remained faithful during the palace coup of 1762, which brought Catherine the Second to the throne.

    Thus, Grinev’s father ended up resigning because he did not want to break the oath he had taken. That is why the father reads the Court Calendar with such irritation and excitement, which indicates the awards and ranks of those with whom he once served and who swore allegiance to the new empress. With his epigraph, Pushkin draws our attention to the most important issue, raised in the story.

    How do you understand the proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age”? Where in the first chapter is it heard?

    CONCLUSION. In the novel “The Captain's Daughter” the main issue will be the question of honor and its preservation.

    IV. The concept of “honor” in the story

    But how does young Petrusha Grinev understand the word “honor” at first? In order for us to understand this, let’s find out the meaning of this word using the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov and the dictionary V.I. Dalia.

    Individual student assignment

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova:

    1. Moral qualities of a person and his principles worthy of respect and pride. A matter of honor, a duty of honor.

    2. Good untarnished reputation, good name. The honor of the family, the honor of the uniform.

    3. Chastity, purity. Maiden's honor.

    4. Honor, respect. Give honor.

    “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dalia:

    1. Internal, moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul, clear conscience.

    2. Conditional, secular, worldly nobility, often false, imaginary.

    3. High rank, rank.

    4. External proof of difference, a sign of superiority.

    5. Showing respect and honor.

    In what meaning does Petrusha understand the word “honor” at the beginning of the novel?

    In the fourth meaning for Ozhegov and in the second, third, fourth, fifth for Dahl.

    What examples from the first chapter can confirm this?

    The idea of ​​service as parades, entertainment, and honor. Paying off a debt for losing at billiards. Rough treatment of Savelich, the desire to insist on his own.

    CONCLUSION. We see that Petrusha Grinev perceives such a concept as honor superficially; it has not yet been formed in him.

    But is it possible already in the first chapter to see signs that this is not the moral basis of his character, that by nature he is a kind and warm-hearted person?

    Yes, this is the feeling of guilt experienced by Petrusha after a quarrel with Savelich, an internal awareness of his wrongness. After this, Petrusha finds the strength to ask the servant for forgiveness.

    But why is Petrusha so rude and self-willed at the inn, since this has never happened to him before?

    He wants to feel like an adult, to break out from under care, to do something of his own free will: “But I wanted to break free and prove that I am no longer a child.”

    V. Lesson summary

    What is the main moral problem raised by Pushkin in the novel “The Captain's Daughter”? How many voices are there in the story?

    VI. Homework

    2. Assignment based on options: 1st option - analyze Grinev’s behavior and actions.

    2nd option - analyze Shvabrin’s behavior and actions on the following questions:

    Relation to the Mironov family;

    Behavior during a duel;

    Behavior during the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by the Pugachevites;

    Attitude towards Masha Mironova;

    Behavior with Pugachev.

    Individual tasks

    1. Talk about Grinev’s life in the Belogorsk fortress and what the fortress itself was like, how the service was held, who was the true owner of the fortress.

    2. Compare the episode of giving a hare sheepskin coat and the episode of paying off a debt for a loss. What are the similarities and what are the differences?

    Lesson 2. Character development of the main character. Grinev and Shvabrin

    Target. To trace the further development of the hero's character; teaching comparative characteristics of heroes; developing students’ skills in working with options; give an idea of ​​the continuity of Pushkin’s traditions in Russian literature; instilling in schoolchildren such concepts as honor and dignity.

    During the classes

    Everything we have is from Pushkin.
    F.M. Dostoevsky)

    I. One of the goals of our lesson will be to trace through the novel how the personality of Pyotr Grinev develops. As our lesson progresses, we will draw up a diagram of the main character’s growth.

    During the lesson, the following diagram is drawn in notebooks and on the board:

    6) Self-sacrifice for the good name of Masha Mironova.

    5) Risks his life to save Masha, does not leave Savelich in trouble.

    4) Refusal to swear allegiance to the rebel.

    3) A duel for the girl’s honor.

    2) Gratitude for salvation.

    1) Payment of debt for loss.

    Question to repeat. How did Petrusha Grinev appear before us in the first chapter?

    Young, inexperienced and naive, he passionately wants to grow up, but to do this he often chooses the wrong ways: playing billiards, drinking, being insolent with Savelich. But at heart he is kind and ashamed of the bad deeds that he commits out of inexperience.

    You said that the hero passionately wants to grow up. But what does it mean to “be an adult”? How do you understand this expression?

    This means being independent, being able to make serious decisions, being responsible for yourself and others, being able to analyze your actions and give them your assessment.

    Does Petrusha have the full set of these qualities?

    No. Although he is already able to realize his guilt and admit it, he is not yet able to make independent decisions or resist bad influences. This is confirmed by the incident at the inn.

    Let's follow Grinev's further actions. Why does the hero and his companions get caught in a snowstorm?

    He frivolously hopes for chance and does not listen to the advice of an experienced person. This again reveals his willfulness, his desire to insist on his own.

    How did the travelers manage to get out of the snowstorm? How did he thank his savior?

    Individual student assignment. Compare the episode of donating a hare sheepskin coat with the episode from the first chapter, when Grinev paid the debt for losing to Zurin. What are the similarities and differences between these episodes?

    The similarity is that in both cases, Grinev repays the debt to another person, demanding what he needs from Savelich. In both cases, Savelich is outraged by the loss, grumbles and objects.

    The difference is that in the first case, Petrusha is ashamed of his behavior, he repents and asks for forgiveness. In the second - no, because in the second case he does not throw money away, but thanks for the service rendered. He pays good for good. This time he acts quite consciously, like an honest person.

    CONCLUSION. This act of Grinev correlates with the concepts of honor. He honestly thanks for the salvation, and this puts him one step higher compared to his previous act, which gives him the right to ignore Savelich’s objections.

    II. Individual task

    Tell us about Grinev’s life in the Belogorsk fortress. What is this fortress like, is it what the hero imagined? How was the service in the fortress? Who was really the commander in it? What kind of atmosphere reigned in the family of Captain Mironov?

    (Student's answer.)

    CONCLUSION. A warm family atmosphere reigns in the Belogorsk fortress, soldiers and commanders treat each other with warmth, there is no officialdom. The whole fortress is like a big family. Peter fell in love with these people, not wanting anything else for himself. Pushkin writes with warmth and tenderness about the relationships of these people, and here one of the ideas dearest to Pushkin is carried out - the thought of family. Now pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson. Why did Dostoevsky say that? Because Pushkin’s work contains traditions that will subsequently be developed in Russian literature of the 19th century. In particular, family thought will become one of the main thoughts in the work of L.N. Tolstoy.

    III.- Which of the inhabitants of the fortress stands out from the general circle? How?

    Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. He is the only one of the inhabitants of the fortress who speaks French, his conversation is witty and entertaining. He was educated, served in St. Petersburg in the guard, and was transferred to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel.

    Why did Shvabrin, whom Grinev liked at first, gradually begin to dislike him?

    He speaks poorly about the family of Captain Mironov, slanderes Ivan Ignatich, and puts Masha in a bad light. All these people became dear to Grinev, and he was unpleasant to hear bad things about them.

    Working with options

    How do Grinev and Shvabrin relate to each other in the character system?

    They are opposed.

    Now we will compile a comparative table of the actions of Grinev and Shvabrin and see how the actions of one and the other relate to the concepts of honor.

    Comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin

    General. Both nobles, officers, serve in the Belogorsk fortress, are in love with Masha Mironova.


    Comparison criterion Grinev Shvabrin
    1. Attitude towards the family of Captain Mironov With sympathy and love, with a friendly smile, he sincerely loves and considers him his family. Mockingly, mockingly, spreads slander.
    2. Behavior during a duel He fights honestly, bravely, defending the girl’s honor. Inflicts a treacherous blow on the defenseless Grinev when he turned to Savelich’s voice.
    3. Behavior during the capture of the fortress by the Pugachevites Refuses to take oath to the impostor. Ready to die courageously. Refuses to kiss Pugachev's hand.
    Takes the side of the rebels, violates the military oath. 4. Attitude towards Masha Mironova He loves her, but gives her freedom of choice He describes Masha as a “complete fool” and slanderes her. Keeps you locked up and starves you. And at the last moment he gives it to Pugachev.
    5. Behavior with Pugachev Behaves boldly, honestly, and sincerely answers dangerous questions. He behaves worthy of a nobleman and a man. He humiliates himself, twists around, crawls at Pugachev’s feet, begging for forgiveness.

    What conclusion can we draw about the concepts of honor in one and the other?

    Grinev’s concept of honor is developing. In all his actions he acts honestly and openly. Gradually he ascends to the highest manifestation of honor - self-sacrifice in the name of another person. Shvabrin has no concept of honor at all. This hero, on the contrary, morally sinks lower and lower.

    IV. Lesson Summary

    So, we see that Grinev’s character is given in development. And again we turn to the epigraph of the lesson: “Everything we have is from Pushkin.” The tradition of depicting a hero in development received a powerful continuation in Russian literature. Heroes of L.N. Tolstoy, whom we will soon meet, are depicted by the writer as always looking for their way, restless. These are the ones who have become readers’ favorite heroes. And on the contrary, wanting to show the baseness of someone’s soul, Tolstoy emphasized the immobility and lack of spiritual development of the hero. In this we see a continuation of Pushkin’s traditions.

    V. Homework

    Answer the questions:

    1) Why is the novel named after the heroine?

    2) Why did Catherine the Second pardon Grinev?

    Options assignment

    1st option. To trace how the feeling of love between Masha and Grinev developed.

    2nd option. Tell about what happened to Masha after Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress.

    Individual tasks

    1) Prepare an expressive reading based on the roles of the dialogue between Masha and Grinev from the chapter “Love”.

    2) Prepare an expressive memorization of A.S.’s poem. Pushkin “I loved you...”

    Lesson 3. The theme of love in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    Target. Analyze the image of Masha Mironova, understand why the novel is named after her; develop skills in selective work with text; develop expressive reading skills by heart and by role; education of the concepts of modesty, honor, chastity and sublime love.

    During the classes

    A novel about a miracle performed by love.
    T. Alpatova)

    I. introduction teachers

    The theme of love is one of the favorite themes of Pushkin’s work. This feeling has always been sacred for the poet. It has always been associated with such concepts as purity, nobility, holiness. Pushkin himself was in love more than once, and this feeling always brought light and inspiration into his life. Even unrequited love was full of charm and light sadness for the poet. The state of falling in love was natural for Pushkin. This is precisely expressed in the lines:

    And the heart burns again and loves because
    That it cannot help but love.

    A whole gallery of beautiful images has been created in Pushkin’s work. female images: these are both the recipients of his love lyrics and the heroines of his works - Tatyana Larina, Donna Anna, Masha Troekurova, Liza Muromskaya, Zemfira, etc. This gallery ends with Masha Mironova. It so happened that this is the last female image in Pushkin’s work.

    II. How does Masha appear before us in the chapter “Fortress”? Find a description of her appearance.

    Modest, shy, fearful, timid, not distinguished by a striking, beautiful appearance. Vasilisa Egorovna even calls her a coward. In addition, it is said that Masha is homeless.

    It must be said that all of Pushkin’s favorite heroines were not distinguished by their bright appearance. Their beauty lies elsewhere.

    Work of the 1st option. Does Petrusha Grinev immediately develop a feeling of love for Masha? Follow through the novel how this feeling arises and develops.

    At first, Peter was prejudiced towards Masha, influenced by Shvabrin’s negative review. But during the conversation at the table, he felt sorry for Masha, since her mother spoke very unceremoniously about her. Then Petrusha, having gotten to know the girl better, discovered that she was “prudent and sensitive.” But this is not love yet, although Grinev is already unpleasant to listen to Shvabrin’s caustic remarks about Masha. The poem written was hardly dedicated to Masha. If this were so, it is unlikely that Peter would have shown it to Shvabrin. But he brings it to trial, expecting praise. Masha's name in the poems was most likely accidental. But Shvabrin’s dirty hints infuriated Grinev. He stood up for the girl’s honor, as the duty of a nobleman, a knight told him to do so. Shvabrin, trying to turn Grinev away from Masha, achieves the exact opposite - Petrusha looked at Masha in a new way. A conversation with Masha and her admission that Shvabrin was wooing her, but she refused, completed the matter - Peter fell in love. When Masha was caring for the wounded Grinev, he decided to marry her.

    From the very first lines, Masha appeared before us timid and shy, but does this mean that she is spineless?

    No. The refusal to Shvabrin testifies to his strong character and persistent principles. She doesn't want to marry unloved person, even at the risk of remaining an old maid for life.

    Yes, you need to understand this: imagine a girl living in a remote village where no one comes. The girl also has no dowry. An officer like Shvabrin, according to the ideas of that time, was her only chance to arrange her destiny. But she rejects him because she doesn't love him. This speaks not only of strong character, but also of courage, because in the 18th century a woman had only one purpose: to get married and take care of her husband, children, and run the household. There were no other fields.

    What moment in the development of the love relationship between Masha and Peter can be considered the culminating moment?

    Explanation after receiving a letter from Grinev’s father, in which he forbids his son to marry.

    (Students prepared in advance read by role the dialogue between Masha and Grinev in the chapter “Love”. You can dramatize this episode.)

    Why do you think Masha, honoring this letter, refuses to marry her beloved? Who is she caring about at this moment?

    (Students' answers.)

    Pushkin has a wonderful poem written back in 1829. Listen to it and tell me, does it echo this scene from the novel?

    (The student reads Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” by heart.)

    What lines of dialogue are consistent with the poem?

    This is what is called chastity.

    Chastity - 1) Same as chastity.

    2) Strict morality, purity. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov)

    Is this concept included in the scope of the concept of “honor”?

    Yes, in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova “honor” in the third meaning means “chastity”.

    This means that Masha Mironova sacredly preserves her honor and is ready to give up personal happiness for the sake of preserving her honor. And we are talking not only about girlish honor, but also about human honor.

    Individual task. Tell us about Masha’s misadventures after the Pugachevites captured the Belogorsk fortress.

    What character qualities did Masha show at this time?

    III. Why is the novel called not “Grinev” - after the name of the main character, not “Pugachev” - after the leader of the popular uprising, but after Masha - “The Captain’s Daughter”?

    Apparently because it is the main character who becomes the center of the lyrical plot of the novel. Despite her modesty and inconspicuousness, she becomes the object of love and adoration of everyone who meets her. Because of Masha, Grinev and Shvabrin fight a duel. Because of her, Grinev goes to Pugachev’s headquarters to face certain death, because of Masha, Pugachev shows royal mercy. It is Masha who will later rescue Grinev from prison.

    Pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson. Creativity researcher A.S. Pushkin T. Alpatova writes that this is “a novel about a miracle performed by love.” Indeed, isn’t it a miracle that Grinev, having been in the very “lion’s den,” comes out safe and sound with his bride? And isn’t it a miracle that Masha seeks the forgiveness of her fiancé from the Empress herself?

    Let's turn to final scene novel. What does Masha ask the Empress?

    “Mercy, not justice.”

    Why “mercy” and not “justice”?

    Because from the point of view of the law, Grinev was guilty: he collaborated with the rebel, and in a strange way was spared and released. Moreover, Grinev did not name the real reasons for his actions in order to preserve the good name of Masha Mironova. Therefore, Grinev was convicted quite fairly, and it is the mercy of the empress that can save him.

    Why does Catherine the Second, when pardoning her, pronounce the phrase: “I am indebted to the daughter of Captain Mironov”? In what debt?

    Captain Mironov did not change his oath to the Empress. Because of this, Masha was left an orphan, and the empress pays off this debt by not leaving Masha without protection. Pugachev once told Grinev: “Debt is worth paying.” Catherine II follows the same.

    IV. Lesson Summary

    Professor T. Alpatova writes that “The Captain's Daughter” is “the first Russian realistic novel about what could not have happened, and simply could not have happened. A novel about a miracle performed by love.” Yes, all of this in reality most likely could not have happened. But Pushkin’s humanistic thought forces the rulers of the world to condescend to the troubles of little people and, bowing before the power of love, do good.

    In the following lessons on studying the novel, students will explore the image of Emelyan Pugachev as portrayed by A.S. Pushkin.

    In the 30s, Pushkin turned to the Troubled Times of the 18th century. to the Pugachev uprising (1773 - 1774). The writer studied the documents, and in 1833 he made a trip to the places where the uprising raged 60 years ago. He visited Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Simbirsk, Orenburg, Uralsk, Berdskaya Sloboda - the capital of Pugachev. For several months, Pushkin read new documents and met with people who remembered Pugachev. The writer completed his research with the creation historical essay"The History of Pugachev."

    The Emperor, who was the poet’s personal censor, found Pushkin’s work interesting, but he made 23 amendments and proposed calling it “The History of Pugachev’s Rebellion.” Pushkin agreed with the amendment: “...The royal name, we admit, is more accurate,” he said.

    In 1834, “History...” was published. And in 1836, the story “The Captain's Daughter” was published, which we will analyze.

    Both works are written on the same historical material. But if in “History...” such a concept as “Pugachevism” is explored, then in “The Captain’s Daughter” the focus is on the fate of people caught in the whirlpool of a bloody rebellion.

    Having conceived a work about Pugachev’s times, Alexander Sergeevich wanted to make the main character an officer who went over to Pugachev’s side. But after studying documents and eyewitness accounts, I realized that such an act was atypical for nobles.

    The gap between the two Russias

    Pugachev's rebellion essentially marked the gap between two Russias - noble and peasant (people's). Each of them had its own truth.

    The people's camp was headed by Pugachev, who called himself Tsar Peter III. In the story “The Captain's Daughter” by Pushkin, it is depicted that he, as befits a “tsar,” lives in a “palace” - a simple peasant hut, only covered with gold paper. His surroundings are also “royal” - “gentlemen enarals”, who in fact were simple men and Cossacks. On top of peasant sheepskin coats they have blue ribbons (blue ribbons indicated receipt of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - the highest order of the Russian Empire). This whole masquerade said better than any words that “sovereign” Pugachev himself and his “enars” are not at all who they say they are.

    The people's king is merciless towards the nobles. With extraordinary ease (“waved a white handkerchief”) he sends them to the gallows. This is exactly how he dealt with Captain Mironov. But at the same time, Pugachev considers it his duty to protect (like every king in folk tale) weak and offended. He even takes Masha Mironova, the daughter of his enemy, under his protection...

    And Pugachev himself and his entire rebellious camp are flesh of the flesh of the people. This was especially evident in their speeches and songs. Pugachev’s speech is peppered with proverbs, sayings, and popular expressions: “execute like that, execute like that, favor like that,” “go to all four directions,” “a debt is worth paying,” “I’ll have mercy on you this time.”

    The Pugachevites are opposed by the noble camp. In the story these are “old people” - the Grinevs, Mironovs, Savelich, inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. Pushkin describes them with sympathy and sympathy.

    And so a conflict broke out between these social strata... In the struggle that they are waging, there is no room left for personal kindness - it is swallowed up by class hatred.

    The destinies of the heroes, composition "The Captain's Daughter"

    Against the backdrop of the bloody events of the peasant war, the fates of ordinary people - the Grinevs and Mironovs - are revealed. And above all, young Petrusha Grinev. The maturation of this carefree boy is happening rapidly.

    The trials and misadventures that befall the hero make up the plot of the story. Exhibition of the work- information about the Grinevs. We learn that Petrusha is from the provincial nobles, he received his education from Beaupre, a hairdresser from France, and his upbringing from the eager Savelich, and until the age of seventeen he chased pigeons. And then his father sends him to serve in the army. On the way to his place of duty, fate brings Grinev together with a runaway Cossack, who later turns out to be Pugachev. Meeting him - action sequence. And then comes his development: Pyotr Grinev came to the Belogorsk fortress and fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Mironov. The capture of the Belogorsk fortress by the Pugachevites and the execution of officers is the climax of the plot. Here each of the heroes shows himself in his true light. One of the officers - Shvabrin - turned out to be a traitor. Grinev was pardoned by Pugachev, who remembered that at their first meeting Peter gave him a sheepskin coat, saving him from the winter cold. In this situation, Pugachev, of course, deviates from his rules and acts according to his heart. Despite Emelyan’s mercy, Grinev refuses to go over to the side of the rebels, which indicates his inner strength and steadfastness of moral principles.

    Peter lives by the law folk wisdom, inspired by his father: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” The young officer twice refuses the offers of his savior, but Pugachev, showing generosity, saves Masha Mironova from Shvabrin’s persecution and releases him with Grinev.

    It would seem that this is the end of all horrors - the heroes are saved. But it was not there. Life, displaced by a phenomenon as terrible in its power and mercilessness as a popular revolt, cannot quickly return to its previous framework. Therefore, Grinev had to go through another terrible test - arrest and accusation in association with Pugachev.

    He could justify himself, but his honor and dignity do not allow him to mention the name of Masha Mironova in this story. Protecting her from possible suspicions, Grinev practically admits himself guilty without guilt.

    Peter saves the honor and life of Masha Mironova. She also saves him when she turns to Empress Catherine II with a request to pardon Grinev. The mirror nature of the actions of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova speaks of the commonality of their moral principles. Despite the terrible upheavals in society, they remained unshakable.

    The queen has mercy on Grinev. That is, she, like Pugachev once did, acts not according to the law, but according to her heart.

    The denouement of the plot and the completion of the story- the family happiness of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev and Maria Ivanovna Mironova and the execution of Pugachev. With this ending, Pushkin expressed his belief in the saving power of truth, mercy and love in a “cruel age,” both for the individual and for society as a whole.

    In this article we will look at the work that A. S. Pushkin wrote in 1836: we will describe it summary and carry out an analysis. "The Captain's Daughter" is a historical story. Let us recall the brief content of the work.

    In it, the narration is told on behalf of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, a 50-year-old man. He remembers the time when he met the leader of the peasant uprising.

    Origin and childhood of Pyotr Grinev

    Peter was born and raised in the family of a poor nobleman. The boy received practically no education - only by the age of 12, with the help of Savelich, did he learn to read and write. Until the age of 16, Peter led the life of a typical teenager. He played with the boys from the village and dreamed of have a fun life in St. Petersburg, since he was registered as a sergeant while he was still in his mother’s womb.

    However, his father decided differently - he sent Petrusha, a 17-year-old boy, to the army, and not to St. Petersburg, so that he could “smell gunpowder.” Saying goodbye, he gave instructions to Peter, which is included in the epigraph of “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” So Grinev ended up in the Orenburg fortress. Savelich, his teacher, also went here with Peter.

    Path to the fortress

    Savelich and Peter got lost at the entrance to the city and got caught in a snowstorm. They were saved only by the help of a stranger, who led the heroes onto the road to their home. Petrusha, in gratitude for his salvation, gave this stranger a hare sheepskin coat and also treated him to wine.

    Getting to know the Belogorsk fortress

    Here Peter comes to the Belgorod fortress for service. It didn't look like a fortified structure. Only a few “invalids” make up the army; its only weapon is a cannon. Mironov Ivan Kuzmich runs the fortress. He is honest and although not distinguished by education. All business in the fortress is conducted by Vasilisa Egorovna, his wife. Grinev becomes quite close to the commandant’s family. He spends a lot of time with him.

    Relationship between Grinev and Shvabrin

    At first, officer Shvabrin, who serves in this fortress, also becomes his friend. However, they soon quarrel because Shvabrin spoke unflatteringly about Masha, Mironov’s daughter, who Grinev likes (the image of the captain’s daughter will be discussed below). Peter challenges Shvabrin to a duel and is wounded. Masha, while caring for him, tells Grinev that Shvabrin once asked for her hand in marriage, but she refused him. Grinev decides to marry this girl and writes a letter to his father, asking for his blessing. But he does not agree to such a marriage, since the captain’s daughter is without a dowry. The main characters of the work, therefore, cannot get married. Masha does not want to get married without her father's blessing.

    Pugachevites in the Belogorsk fortress

    In 1773, in October, Mironov received a letter. It reports on Pugachev, who pretends to be the deceased Peter III. He had already gathered a large army consisting of peasants and was able to capture several fortresses. He is preparing to meet Pugachev and the Commandant is going to send his daughter to Orenburg, but he does not have time to do this - the Pugachevites are already here. The villagers greet the invaders with bread and salt. All those who serve in the fortress were taken prisoner. They must swear allegiance to Pugachev. However, the commandant refuses to take the oath, and he is hanged. His wife also dies. But Grinev finds himself unexpectedly free. Savelich tells him that Pugachev is the stranger to whom Grinev once gave a hare sheepskin coat.

    Masha's fate after arriving at Pugachev's fortress

    Despite the fact that the main character openly swears allegiance to Emelyan, he lets him go. Grinev leaves the fortress, but the captain’s daughter remains in it. Main characters, loving friend friend, cannot reunite. The girl is sick and is hiding under the guise of the niece of a local priest. Shvabrin was appointed commandant of the fortress. He swore allegiance to Pugachev. This worries Grinev. In Orenburg, the main character asks for help, but does not find it. He soon receives a letter from Masha. The girl writes that Shvabrin is forcing her to marry him. If she refuses, he promises to tell Pugachev’s people that she is the captain’s daughter. The description of all these events in the work is given in detail - we have highlighted only the main points.

    Pugachev frees Masha

    Grinev and Savelich are traveling to the Belogorsk fortress. But on the way they are captured by the Pugachevites and meet again with their leader.

    Peter honestly tells Emelyan where he is going and why; and unexpectedly for Grinev, Pugachev decides to help him “punish the orphan who abused him.” Pugachev frees Masha in the fortress. Even Shvabrin’s story about who she really is doesn’t stop him.

    Pardon of Grinev by the Empress

    The historical story "The Captain's Daughter" ends with the following events. Grinev takes the girl to his parents. He himself returns to the army. Pugachev’s performance fails, but Grinev is arrested, since Shvabrin says at the trial that Peter is Pugachev’s spy. The main character is sentenced to exile in Siberia, and only a visit to the empress, which Masha makes, helps to achieve pardon for Grinev. But Shvabrin is sent to hard labor.

    Theme of the work "The Captain's Daughter"

    The problems discussed in the work are very numerous. The most important of these, of course, is the issue of honor. In general, in terms of the breadth of coverage of reality, the significance of the theme posed by the author, and the artistic perfection of the work, the story “The Captain's Daughter” is the pinnacle achievement, a masterpiece created by Pushkin the realist. It was completed 3 months before the author's death. Thus, “The Captain's Daughter” became his last major work.

    The problems posed by the author largely relate to important topic for that time - themes of the peasant war, peasant uprising. For Pushkin, studying the history of the Pugachev uprising made it possible to truthfully and accurately talk about the events depicted in the story. The point of "The Captain's Daughter" was, in particular, to show the psychology of its participants.

    Peter's father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev

    Grinev Andrei Petrovich had a negative attitude towards dishonest and easy ways to make a career at court. Therefore, he did not want to send his son Peter to St. Petersburg to serve in the guard. He wanted him to “smell gunpowder” and become a soldier, not a slacker. It is he who utters the words that are included in the epigraph of “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age.”

    Grinev the father is not devoid of the characteristics of a representative of that time negative traits. Let us recall, for example, his harsh treatment of the uncomplaining and loving wife, Peter’s mother, the reprisal he committed against the French teacher, the outrageously rude tone of the letter to Savelich, in which he calls him “an old dog.” In these episodes we see a typical nobleman-serf owner. However, Grinev’s father also has one. This strength of character, straightforwardness, traits evoke the reader’s natural and involuntary sympathy for him - for this strict person towards others and towards himself.

    The character of Peter Grinev

    The character of Pyotr Grinev, a 16-year-old boy, is shown by the author in movement, development, which occurred under the influence of the living conditions in which he found himself. At first, Petrusha is a frivolous and careless landowner’s son, a slacker ignoramus, practically a Fonvizin Mitrofanushka. He dreams of the easy, pleasure-filled life of a guards officer in the capital.

    In Pyotr Grinev, the loving, kind heart of his mother was combined with the courage, directness, and honesty inherent in his father. Father Grinev strengthened these qualities in him in his firm admonition to serve faithfully, obey his superiors and, most importantly, take care of honor from a young age.

    The kindness of the main character was manifested in a generous gift to the “peasant”, who showed him the way during a snowstorm and played a decisive role in the further fate of the hero. And then, risking everything, Grinev rushed to the rescue of Savelich, who was captured. The depth of his nature was reflected in the pure and great feeling that arose in him for Masha Mironova.

    Honor in The Captain's Daughter is a very important personality characteristic. And Pyotr Grinev, by his behavior, proved his loyalty to his father’s covenants, did not betray what he considered his honor and his duty. The good inclinations and traits inherent in him were tempered, strengthened and finally triumphed under the influence of the harsh school of life to which his father sent him, sending him to the remote steppe outskirts instead of St. Petersburg. Major events in history, of which Grinev became a participant, did not allow him, after personal grief (his father did not agree to marry Masha), to lose heart and lose heart; they conveyed a “strong and good shock” to the young man’s soul.

    Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich

    "The Captain's Daughter" is a book in which among the main characters we will find Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, Grinev's rival - the complete opposite of the direct and honest Peter. The author does not deprive this character either positive traits. He is observant, smart, educated, an interesting conversationalist, and has a sharp tongue. However, for the sake of personal goals, Alexey is ready to commit dishonest act. He slandered Masha Mironova and also casts a shadow on her mother. Shvabrin deals a treacherous blow to Grinev in a duel and, in addition, writes a false denunciation of Peter to his father. Alexey Ivanovich does not go over to Pugachev’s side out of ideological convictions: he hopes to thereby save his life, and if successful, he hopes to make a career under Emelyan. But most importantly, he wants to deal with Grinev and forcefully marry Masha, who does not love him.

    The Mironov family and Ivan Ignatievich

    Let's briefly get acquainted with the characters of other characters that Pushkin created in the work "The Captain's Daughter". The heroes we will talk about belong to ordinary officers, like Shvabrin. They are closely connected with the mass of soldiers. It's about about Ivan Ignatievich, a crooked garrison lieutenant, and Captain Mironov himself, who was not even a nobleman by birth - he rose from the children of soldiers to become an officer. And Vasilisa Yegorovna, his wife, and the captain himself, and the crooked lieutenant from the play “The Captain’s Daughter” - these heroes were uneducated people, with a limited outlook, which did not give them the opportunity to understand the goals and causes of the popular uprising.

    They were not without shortcomings typical of that time. Let us at least remember the “justice” of the captain. She says that you can’t tell who is right and who is wrong - Prokhor or Ustinya. Both should be punished. However, the Mironovs were kind and ordinary people, devoted to duty, ready to fearlessly die for the “shrine of their conscience.”

    Image of Masha Mironova

    Let's continue the analysis. The captain's daughter (after whom the work we are interested in was named) is a very bright heroine. Pushkin creates the image of Masha Mironova with special warmth and sympathy. It hides under tenderness appearance strength and perseverance, revealed in love for Grinev, resistance to Shvabrin, her trip to St. Petersburg to the empress to save her fiancé. This is the captain’s daughter in the work that Pushkin created. Analyzing the actions of this heroine, Alexander Sergeevich clearly sympathizes with her.

    Savelich, Grinev's uncle

    The author very truthfully shows the image of Savelich, Grinev’s uncle. His devotion to the masters is far from simple slavery, as our analysis shows. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story in which Savelich is not shown as a servant humiliating himself before his masters. Thus, in response to the unfair and rude reproaches of Grinev the father, in his letter he calls himself “your faithful servant,” “slave,” as was customary at that time when addressing serf masters. However, the tone of this hero’s letter is imbued with a sense of human dignity. The spiritual wealth, the inner nobility of his nature is fully revealed in the deeply human and completely disinterested affection of a lonely, poor old man for his pet.

    The image of Emelyan Pugachev in the work

    Pushkin (“The Captain’s Daughter”) analyzed the image of Emelyan Pugachev. In the 1830s, he intensively studied the history of his uprising. The image of Emelyan, created in the work that interests us, differs sharply from previous images of Pugachev. Without any embellishment, Pushkin showed this leader of the popular rebellion. His image is given in all the harsh reality, sometimes cruel.

    In the author's portrayal, Emelyan is distinguished by his “sharpness” - a rebellious and free spirit, clarity of mind, heroic daring and composure, and breadth of nature. He tells Grinev a fairy tale about a raven and an eagle. Its meaning is that a moment of bright and free life is better than long years of vegetation. Pugachev says about himself that his custom is “to execute, to execute, to have mercy, to have mercy.”

    Compositional parallelism

    Alexander Sergeevich called the story "The Captain's Daughter". In the last chapter of the work, we are again transported to the noble estate of the Grinevs, to the same setting. Such parallelism of the beginning and end of the story’s composition gives completeness and harmony. However, Pushkin adds new touches to the description of the situation. So, Grinev the father flips through his calendar absentmindedly, the mother does not make honey jam this time, but knits a sweatshirt for Petrusha, who is supposed to be exiled to eternal settlement in Siberia. The difficult family drama was replaced by a family idyll.

    Language features

    The language in which the work is written is a remarkable aspect of the story. Each actor Pushkin gives a special language manner that corresponds to the level of his development, mental outlook, character, social status. Therefore, from the characters’ remarks and their statements to the readers, unusually lively and prominent human images. They summarize the characteristic aspects of the life of Russian society of that time.

    This concludes the analysis. "The Captain's Daughter" is a work that I could write about for a very long time. He, as N.V. Gogol put it, is characterized by “purity and artlessness,” raised to such a degree that reality seems caricatured and artificial in front of him. Gogol noted that all Russian stories and novels seem to be just a “sweetening rubbish” in front of the work “The Captain's Daughter,” the description of which was presented in this article.

    While working on “The History of Pugachev,” Pushkin had the idea of ​​a work on the same topic. Initially, the hero of the story was supposed to be a nobleman who went over to the side of the rebels. But over time, Pushkin changed the concept of the work. Three months before his death he completed the manuscript "The Captain's Daughter". The story was published anonymously in 1836 in the Sovremennik magazine.

    In a short epilogue to The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin indicated that he received Grinev's notes from his grandson, and added only epigraphs of his own. This technique gave the story documentary authenticity and at the same time showed that the position of the main character may not coincide with the position of the writer. Considering the theme of the novel and Pushkin’s complex relationship with the authorities, this was not an unnecessary precaution.

    Alexander Sergeevich considered the work historical story, but for many literary characteristics"The Captain's Daughter" deserves to be considered a novel. Genre the narratives can be called a family chronicle or a biography of the main character - Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The story is told on his behalf. The plot begins in the first chapter, when seventeen-year-old Petrusha goes to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. There are two climaxes in the story: the capture of the fortress by the Pugachevites and Grinev’s appeal to the impostor for help. The denouement of the plot is the pardon of the hero by the empress.

    The uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev - main theme works. Pushkin’s serious study of historical materials helped create a bright picture peasant revolt. The scale of events, the cruel and bloody war are shown with captivating authenticity.

    Pushkin does not idealize either side of the conflict. Robberies and murders, according to the author, have no justification. There are no winners in this war. Pugachev understands the hopelessness of his struggle, and the officers simply hate fighting with their compatriots. In The Captain's Daughter, the Pugachev rebellion appears as a national tragedy, a merciless and senseless popular revolt.

    The hero also condemns the carelessness of the authorities, as a result of which Belogorsk fortress was not ready for defense, and Orenburg was doomed to a long siege. Peter sympathizes with the disfigured Bashkir, a participant in the 1841 uprising, which was brutally suppressed. Grinev expresses a popular assessment of events, and not the “official” view of the imperial power, whose side he represents.

    Pugachev is the only one real character. His character is complex and contradictory. The impostor behaves unpredictably, like a force of nature. He can be menacing and domineering, but at the same time cheerful and roguish. Pugachev is cruel and quick to kill, but sometimes shows nobility, wisdom and prudence.

    In the image of the people's leader, mythological features are organically combined with precise realistic details. Pugachev is the central figure of the work, although he is not its main character. Grinev’s meeting with the leader of the rebels becomes fateful. All the main events in the life of the young officer are now connected with this man.

    The character of the main character is shown in development. At the beginning of the work, Pyotr Grinev is a sixteen-year-old young man who is messing around and chasing pigeons. By education and upbringing he is associated with the famous Mitrofanushka. Grinev's father understands that sending a young man to St. Petersburg is stupid. Let us remember how Petrusha behaves at the inn in Simbirsk: gambling, wine, rudeness towards Savelich. If not for the wise decision of his father, life in the capital would quickly turn the hero into a spendthrift, a drunkard and a gambler.

    But fate has prepared young man the severe trials that strengthened Grinev’s character awakened in his soul honesty, a sense of duty, courage, nobility and other valuable masculine qualities.

    More than once, in the face of death, Peter had to make a moral choice. He never swore allegiance to Pugachev, even under the threat of torture and with a noose around his neck. But Grinev leaves besieged Orenburg to save his bride, violating the military regulations. He is ready to ascend the scaffold, but does not allow the thought of dragging his beloved woman into the trial. Pyotr Grinev's loyalty to his word and strength of character, his courage and incorruptible sincerity evoke respect even among rebels.

    Grinev’s antipode is Alexey Shvabrin. He received a good education, is smart, observant, courageous, but selfish and quick-tempered. Shvabrin commits betrayal not so much out of fear for his life, but out of a desire to get even with Grinev and achieve his goal. He slanderes Masha, treats her cruelly, and denounces Peter. Alexey gladly slanders the inhabitants of the fortress even when he has no benefit from it. Honor and kindness are an empty phrase for this person.

    The image of the faithful servant Savelich was depicted by Pushkin with special warmth and a dose of humor. The old man touchingly cares about the “young master” and his property, and is ready to give his life for his master. At the same time, he is consistent in his actions, is not afraid to defend his opinion, call the impostor a thief and robber, and even demand compensation from him for losses. Savelich has pride and feeling self-esteem. The old man is offended by Peter’s suspicions that he is denouncing Grinev to his father, as well as by the master’s rude letter. The devotion and honesty of a simple serf creates a sharp contrast with the meanness and treachery of the nobleman Shvabrin.

    The female heroine of the novel, Masha Mironova, also faces many trials. A kind and slightly naive girl who grew up in a fortress is faced with circumstances that can break a stronger and more brave man. One day Masha loses her parents, finds herself in the hands of a cruel enemy, and becomes seriously ill. Shvabrin tries to intimidate the girl, locks her in a closet, and practically does not feed her. But the coward Masha, who faints from a cannon shot, shows amazing determination and perseverance. Love for Grinev gives her perseverance in many actions, especially in a risky trip to St. Petersburg. It is Masha who begs the empress to pardon her fiancé and saves him. Neither Grinev’s father nor mother decided to do this.

    For each character, Pushkin finds a special manner of speech in accordance with his character, social status and education. Thanks to this, the images of the heroes turned out to be lively and bright. In comparison with “The Captain's Daughter,” according to Gogol, other stories are “saccharine muck.”



    This is interesting: