"Modern" (theater): repertoire, troupe, director, history. "Modern" (theater): repertoire, troupe, director, history Full modern theater photos of actors in the nude

"Modern" (theater): repertoire, troupe, director, history. "Modern" (theater): repertoire, troupe, director, history Full modern theater photos of actors in the nude

The Modern Theater was created by Svetlana Vragova at the end of the 20th century. The very first performance made the troupe famous. And today the repertoire includes original productions that express their own view of the world, unlike anyone else’s.


"Modern" is a theater that appeared in Moscow in 1988. He gained fame in a very short time. Initially it was called “Theater-Studio on Spartakovskaya”. And a year after its creation, he already made a tour of Yugoslavia and the USA. The theater's productions are distinguished by their brightness and avant-gardeness. Many of them have repeatedly become prize-winners of prestigious festivals and competitions. In the 90s, Svetlana Vragova turned to a new cultural style for our country at that time - modernism. Then a new frontier in the development of the theater began. He changed the name to the one he has now.

The repertoire of the Modern Theater includes performances based on the works of classics, plays by Soviet and modern playwrights. And also fairy tales for children. But its basis is the works Silver Age. believes that modernity should rely on serious cultural traditions and search for new forms. The Modern Theater closely intertwines tradition and modernity. It relies on the serious psychological component of the performances.

Its building is aristocratic, decorated with stained glass. Inside there is a beautiful staircase, which was restored piece by piece. The building is in perfect harmony with the name of the theater - "Modern". This is a mansion built at the beginning of the 20th century. His architectural style- modern Quite a lot of such buildings have been preserved in the capital. But the one that the theater received contains something special, reminiscent of Russia’s past.


"Modern" (theater) gives its audience a varied and interesting repertoire. Its poster offers the following productions:

  • "About love".
  • "Uncle's Dream"
  • "Magic night".
  • "Love in two acts."
  • "A loop".
  • "Arrogant bunny."
  • "An old house".
  • "Happy Event"
  • "Dancing."
  • "One man, one woman."
  • "Salome".
  • "The Journey of the Little Prince."
  • "The Three Little Pigs and the Gray Wolf."
  • "The Empress's Dream"
  • "Katerina Ivanovna."
  • "My dear men."
  • "...Looking for a meeting."
  • "Coward Tail."
  • "Once Upon a Time in Paris"

Premieres 2016

"Modern" is a theater that has prepared two premieres for its viewers in the new season:

  • Comedy "He. She. They" based on the play "Women Without Borders" This is a story about how anything can happen during a romantic trip. He and she go to rest. And then, almost out of the blue, they—the former—fall out of the blue. And with them are their loved ones: parents, new life partners. This is a mystical and humorous fairy tale for adults.
  • The second premiere of this season is the play “Premium Prison Tariff”. The action takes place in the city of N. There are two realities here. On the surface of the earth there is poverty, war, debauchery and corruption. Below is the exact opposite. There’s no one to even put in jail here. But she is led by a dreamy romantic. He accepts into prison everyone who wants to relax and sit in silence. The burgomaster, having visited this establishment and seeing the happy guests, decided to create a business out of it.


"Modern" is a theater that has brought together wonderful actors on its stage. Both young artists and already luminaries of the stage serve here.

The Modern Theater troupe consists of the following actors:

  • Vladimir Zeldin.
  • Vladimir Levashev.
  • Elizaveta Vedernikova.
  • Alexander Zhukov.
  • Arthur Sopelnik.
  • Vera Vasilyeva.
  • Daniil Avramenkov.
  • Valeria Dmitrieva.
  • Svetlana Ruban.
  • Maria Arnaut.
  • Svetlana Bulatova.
  • Anton Kukushkin.
  • Oleg Vavilov.
  • Marina Dianova.
  • Tatiana Nastashevskaya.
  • Leonid Tregub.
  • Valeria Korolev.
  • Yuri Vasiliev.
  • Pavel Dorofeev.
  • Konstantin Konushkin.
  • Alexey Bagdasarov.
  • Maxim Brand.
  • Grisha Gavrilov.
  • Ekaterina Brand.
  • Elena Starodub.
  • Karina Zhukova.
  • Irina Grineva.
  • Denis Ignatov.
  • Dmitry Vysotsky.
  • Victoria Kovalenko.
  • Alexandra Bogdanova.
  • Ekaterina Gretsova.
  • Nelly Uvarova.
  • Olga Bogdanova.
  • Alexey Baranov.
  • Evgeny Kazak.
  • Lyubov Novak.
  • Alexander Kolesnikov.
  • Roman Zubrilin.
  • Alena Yakovleva and others.

Artistic director

The theater was created by Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vragova, People's Artist of Russia. Her first directorial work was the play “Spring Changelings” at the Youth Theater in the city of Kirov. Then Svetlana was still a student, but her work was already different high level professionalism and originality. After graduating from the institute, S. Vragova worked as a director at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. Her most famous production of that period is “The Fifth Ten.” The next step creative path I worked as a director at the Moscow New Drama Theater. In 1981, Svetlana created the studio "On Spartakovskaya". She accepted graduates of the famous “Sliver” into the troupe. The first performance of the studio was the play “Dear Elena Sergeevna”. The troupe took this production on tour to the USA. In 1995, the studio was transformed into a Moscow Theatre of Drama"Modern". With the new status, the repertoire expanded. The theater's performances demonstrate a special view of the world, sophisticated style and artistic novelty.

Where is it and how to get there

At the address: building 9/1a, the Modern Theater is located. How to get to the drama of Svetlana Vragova? The best way to get to the theater is by metro. You should get off at the Baumanskaya station. From here to the theater you will need to walk only four hundred meters. You can get off at Rizhskaya station. It is also convenient to get to the theater by bus No. 778. You will need to get off at the Spartakovskaya Ploshchad stop.

Naked "MODERN"

The artistic director of the theater Yuri Grymov and the actors of the troupe appeared naked on the official website of the MODERN theater

“We have the pleasure of publishing a gallery of portraits of our actors on the theater’s website. An actor is a living, creative, sincere person, open to the world and not trying to shield himself from it with some kind of shield or armor. That's why our actors are naked. I suggest looking at these faces the way I look at them - with respect and pride,” emphasizes Yuri Grymov.

“The theater troupe is in many ways a dying concept. Gone are the days of serf theaters of the 19th century, and the Soviet tradition of “registration” of an actor in one theater is a thing of the past. But the theater troupe remains as a creative family of like-minded people - and this is very healthy and correct. Today in our theater there is both a troupe (actors who constantly work in MODERN) and guest artists. I am these people and consider them amazingly talented and beautiful. In our theater there is no serfdom, and our troupe is open to joint creativity. The gallery will be updated. Look at these beautiful faces and have fun,” states artistic director Theater "MODERN".

The photographs were taken by Mikhail Ryzhov, an independent Russian photographer and teacher working in the field of mobile and portrait photography.

The Modern Theater under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Vragova (formerly the Theater on Spartakovskaya Square) has existed on the cultural map of the capital for 15 years. The theater was founded in 1988 on the basis of the graduating course of the Shchepkinsky Theater School (this was the last course led by National artist USSR M.I. Tsarev), called the Studio Theater on Spartakovskaya Square. Already the first performance of “Dear Elena Sergeevna” by Lyudmila Razumovskaya glorified the young troupe, which later made a triumphant tour with this production throughout Yugoslavia (festival “Perestroika in the USSR”, 1989), and then toured the USA for several months (Los Angeles - Chicago, 1990). It was one of the first professional studio theaters that were able not only to prove their viability, but also to declare their own creative credo. The play "Dear Elena Sergeevna" became a hit for several seasons. Bright avant-garde productions "Rasplyuevskys" fun days"according to Sukhovo-Kobylin, "Video. Boxing. Bullet" based on E. Kozlovsky more than once received prizes at prestigious competitions. The plays "Let's Laugh!" and "...Looking for a Meeting!", which grew from acting skits and improvisations, gained such success with the public that they remained in the repertoire for many years.
Since 1993, the Theater on Spartakovskaya becomes the Modern Theater and begins to develop issues at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries associated with such an exceptional cultural phenomenon as the Art Nouveau style. Svetlana Vragova's play "Katerina Ivanovna", staged in 1995, became a turning point for the theater. He represented Russia at the anniversary Belgrade theater festival, where critics called it a performance that breaks new ground in art.
The Modern Theater lovingly arranges its aesthetic space. It envelops the person who has already arrived from the threshold, “calms the person with the simplicity and completeness of the staircase, the modesty of the chandeliers and quickly turns us to the stained glass window leading to Through the Looking Glass. The stained glass window is a preface to the action.
It represents the aristocratic beginning of the style, while the flights of stairs and its landings are its business aspect. The theater, by changing the name of the theater-studio on Spartakovskaya Square to "Modern", one might say, brought it into line with the building in which it is located - a mansion erected in the Russian Art Nouveau style of the early 20th century. There are many such houses in Moscow, but this one has something exceptional about it: in the midst of an area just beginning to revive, there stands this fragment of another, seemingly irrational world, a witness to Russia’s pre-revolutionary past.
The full name - Theater "Modern" - clearly resonates not only with past times, but also with today. IN theater arts Director Svetlana Vragova was one of the first to understand this. The theater carefully probed the boundary between the end of the century and the next century, which in Russian art received the poetic name of the “Silver Age”. Modernism in the understanding of S.A. Vragova is avant-garde with serious cultural traditions, the connection between modernity and classics.
The Modern Theater exists according to these laws: relying on serious psychological analysis, assimilating Russian traditions and modernity to search for new forms.

The artistic director of the theater, Yuri Grymov, and the actors of the troupe appeared naked on the official website of the MODERN theater.

“We have the pleasure of publishing a gallery of portraits of our actors on the theater’s website. An actor is a living, creative, sincere person, open to the world and not trying to shield himself from it with some kind of shield or armor. That's why our actors are naked. I suggest looking at these faces the way I look at them - with respect and pride,” emphasizes Yuri Grymov.

“The theater troupe is in many ways a dying concept. Gone are the days of serf theaters of the 19th century, and the Soviet tradition of “registration” of an actor in one theater is a thing of the past. But the theater troupe remains as a creative family of like-minded people - and this is very healthy and correct. Today in our theater there is both a troupe (actors who constantly work in MODERN) and guest artists. I am these people and consider them amazingly talented and beautiful. In our theater there is no serfdom, and our troupe is open to joint creativity. The gallery will be updated. Look at these beautiful faces and have fun,” says the artistic director of the MODERN theater.

The photographs were taken by Mikhail Ryzhov - an independent Russian photographer and teacher working in the field of mobile and portrait photography.



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