Russian swimmer Lagunov Evgeniy: biography, sports career, personal life. Russian swimmer Lagunov Evgeniy: biography, sports career, personal life Services and prices

Russian swimmer Lagunov Evgeniy: biography, sports career, personal life. Russian swimmer Lagunov Evgeniy: biography, sports career, personal life Services and prices

Date of birth: December 14, 1985
Place of birth: Arkhangelsk
Place of residence: St. Petersburg
Height: 1.88 m
Weight: 84 kg
Specialization: 50 and 100 m all
Sports club: CSKA
Coach(es): Mikhail Gorelik, Alexander Lagunov (father), S. Katsegorova (first coach)
Website: no

Sports achivments:

Olympic Games 2004 Athens 4th place in the 4x100 m relay race
European Championship 2004 Madrid silver in the 4x100m relay
European Championship 2005 Trieste (short course) bronze 100 m sun
European Championship 2006 Helsinki (short course)
European Championship 2006 Budapest silver 100 m sun
2006 World Championships Shanghai (short course) 7th place in the 100m freestyle relay, 4th place in the 4x100m medley relay, 4th place in the 4x100m freestyle relay
2007 World Cup Melbourne bronze in the 4x100m medley relay
2008 World Championships Manchester (short course) 5th and 7th place in the 4x100m all-out and 4x200m all-out races
Olympic Games 2008 Beijing silver in the 4x200 m relay, 4th place in the 4x100 m medley, 18 and 21 places in the preliminary heats of 50 and 100 m, respectively
European Championship 2008 Rijeka (short course) 4th place 50 and 100 m sun
European Championship 2009 Istanbul (short course) bronze 100 m sun
World Cup 2009 Rome silver in the 4x100 and 4x200 m relays
2010 World Cup Dubai (short course) gold in the 4x200 m relay, silver in the 4x100 m relay
European Championship 2010 Budapest gold in the 4x100m and 4x200m relays
silver in the 100m all-around and in the 4x100m medley relay
European Championship 2010 Eindhoven (short course) silver 100m all-out, bronze 200m all-out and 4x50m all-out relay
European Championship 2011 Szczecin (short course) silver in the 4x50 m relay
Olympic Games 2012 London bronze with 4x100m relay sun
2012 World Championships Istanbul (short course) bronze 100m sun

Additional Information:

He started swimming at the age of 7 at the Vodnik Youth Sports Sports School in his hometown of Arkhangelsk. Several years of doing what he loved did not go without results - Evgeniy immediately achieved success at the junior level and he began to win one victory after another.

The talented athlete competed in various disciplines and achieved victories in each of them. As a result, Evgeniy decided to focus on short distance swims. Of course, he was distinguished by incredible speed and excellent sprint pace.

Until 2003, Evgeniy competed in internal competitions. In the same season, Lagunov was accepted into the Russian national team, his first competition as part of the team was the 2003 European Junior Championships in Glasgow.

In 2009, Evgeniy was awarded a state award “for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in 2008 in Beijing,” and also received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree.

In his free time, Evgeniy devotes time to his family - his wife Maria and sons Roman and Oleg. Likes to listen to music: American group Wu-TangClan (one of the first hardcore hip-hop groups) and Russian rap group. "YU. G.", watch Guy Ricci films

Also known as.

Silver Beijing 2008 4×200 m high-speed relay Bronze London 2012 4×100 m high-speed relay World Championships Bronze Melbourne 2007 comb. 4×100 m relay Silver Rome 2009 4×100 m high-speed relay Silver Rome 2009 4×200 m high-speed relay Bronze Barcelona 2013 4×100 m high-speed relay World Short Course Championships Gold Dubai 2010 4×200 m high-speed relay Silver Dubai 2010 4×100 m high-speed relay Bronze Istanbul 2012 100 m/s European Championships Silver Madrid 2004 4×100 m high-speed relay Silver Budapest 2006 4×100 m high-speed relay Gold Budapest 2010 4×100 m high-speed relay Gold Budapest 2010 4×200 m high-speed relay Silver Budapest 2010 100 m/s Silver Budapest 2010 comb. 4×100 m relay European Short Course Championships Bronze Trieste 2005 100 m/s Bronze Istanbul 2009 100 m/s Silver Chartres 2012 100 m/s Silver Chartres 2012 4×50m high-speed relay Silver Chartres 2012 comb. 4x50m relay State and departmental awards

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Lagunov(born December 14, 1985, Arkhangelsk) - Russian swimmer, member of the Russian national team since 2003. Silver medalist at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, as a member of the Russian relay team in the 4x200 meter freestyle (team members: Alexander Sukhorukov, Danila Izotov, Evgeny Lagunov, Mikhail Polishchuk and Nikita Lobintsev). Silver medalist at the 2004 European Championships, participant in the final swim in the 4x100 meter relay at the 2004 Olympic Games. Champion of Russia 2008. Lives and trains in St. Petersburg. At the club level he plays for the SDYUSHOR team of the Air Force “Ekran”.

Olympics 2012

Participated in a qualifying swim in the 4x100 meter relay at the 2012 Olympic Games. In qualifying, the Russian team showed third place. Despite the fact that Lagunov and Sergei Fesikov were replaced in the final swim, all six athletes were awarded bronze medals.


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An excerpt characterizing Lagunov, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich

At this time, the first blacksmith rose from the ground and, scratching the blood on his broken face, shouted in a crying voice:
- Guard! Killed!.. Killed a man! Brothers!..
- Oh, fathers, they killed him to death, they killed a man! - the woman squealed as she came out of the neighboring gate. A crowd of people gathered around the bloody blacksmith.
“It’s not enough that you robbed people, took off their shirts,” said someone’s voice, turning to the kisser, “why did you kill a person?” Robber!
The tall fellow, standing on the porch, looked with dull eyes first at the kisser, then at the blacksmiths, as if wondering who he should fight with now.
- Murderer! – he suddenly shouted at the kisser. - Knit it, guys!
- Why, I tied up one such and such! - the kisser shouted, waving off the people who attacked him, and, tearing off his hat, he threw it on the ground. As if this action had some mysteriously threatening significance, the factory workers who surrounded the kisser stopped in indecision.
“Brother, I know the order very well.” I'll get to the private part. Do you think I won't make it? Nowadays no one is ordered to commit robbery! – the kisser shouted, raising his hat.
- And let's go, look! And let's go... look! - the kisser and the tall fellow repeated one after another, and both moved forward along the street together. The bloody blacksmith walked next to them. Factory workers and strangers followed them, talking and shouting.
At the corner of Maroseyka, opposite a large house with locked shutters, on which there was a sign of a shoemaker, stood with sad faces about twenty shoemakers, thin, exhausted people in dressing gowns and tattered tunics.
- He will treat the people properly! - said a thin craftsman with a scraggly beard and frowning eyebrows. - Well, he sucked our blood - and that’s it. He drove us and drove us - all week. And now he brought it to the last end, and left.
Seeing the people and the bloody man, the worker who had been speaking fell silent, and all the shoemakers, with hasty curiosity, joined the moving crowd.
-Where are the people going?
“We know where, he’s going to the authorities.”
- Well, did our power really not take over?
- And you thought how! Look what the people are saying.
Questions and answers were heard. The kisser, taking advantage of the increase in the crowd, fell behind the people and returned to his tavern.
The tall fellow, not noticing the disappearance of his enemy the kisser, waving his bare arm, did not stop talking, thereby drawing everyone’s attention to himself. The people mostly pressed on him, expecting from him to get a solution to all the questions that occupied them.
- Show him order, show him the law, that’s what the authorities are in charge of! Is that what I say, Orthodox? - said the tall fellow, smiling slightly.
– He thinks, and there are no authorities? Is it possible without bosses? Otherwise, you never know how to rob them.
- What nonsense to say! - responded in the crowd. - Well, then they’ll abandon Moscow! They told you to laugh, but you believed it. You never know how many of our troops are coming. So they let him in! That's what the authorities do. “Listen to what the people are saying,” they said, pointing to the tall fellow.
Near the wall of China City, another small group of people surrounded a man in a frieze overcoat holding a paper in his hands.
- The decree, the decree is being read! The decree is being read! - was heard in the crowd, and people rushed to the reader.
A man in a frieze overcoat was reading a poster dated August 31st. When the crowd surrounded him, he seemed embarrassed, but in response to the demand of the tall fellow who had pushed ahead of him, with a slight trembling in his voice, he began to read the poster from the beginning.
“Tomorrow early I’m going to see the most illustrious prince,” he read (the brightening one! - the tall fellow solemnly repeated, smiling with his mouth and frowning his eyebrows), “to talk with him, act and help the troops exterminate the villains; We too will become the spirit of them...” the reader continued and stopped (“Saw?” the little one shouted victoriously. “He will untie you all the distance...”) ... - to eradicate and send these guests to hell; I’ll come back for lunch, and we’ll get down to business, we’ll do it, we’ll finish it, and we’ll get rid of the villains.”
The last words were read by the reader in complete silence. The tall fellow sadly lowered his head. It was obvious that no one understood these last words. In particular, the words: “I will come tomorrow for lunch,” apparently even upset both the reader and the listeners. The understanding of the people was in a high mood, and this was too simple and unnecessary understandable; this was the very thing that each of them could say and that therefore a decree emanating from a higher power could not speak.
Everyone stood in dejected silence. The tall fellow moved his lips and staggered.
“I should ask him!.. That’s what he is?.. Well, he asked!.. But then... He’ll point out...” was suddenly heard in the back rows of the crowd, and everyone’s attention turned to the droshky of the police chief, accompanied by two mounted dragoons.
The police chief, who had gone that morning by order of the count to burn the barges and, on the occasion of this order, had rescued a large sum of money that was in his pocket at that moment, seeing a crowd of people moving towards him, ordered the coachman to stop.
- What kind of people? - he shouted at the people, scattered and timidly approaching the droshky. - What kind of people? I'm asking you? - repeated the police chief, who did not receive an answer.
“They, your honor,” said the clerk in the frieze overcoat, “they, your highness, at the announcement of the most illustrious count, without sparing their lives, wanted to serve, and not like some kind of riot, as said from the most illustrious count...
“The Count has not left, he is here, and there will be orders about you,” said the police chief. - Let's go! - he said to the coachman. The crowd stopped, crowding around those who had heard what the authorities said, and looking at the droshky driving away.
At that time, the police chief looked around in fear and said something to the coachman, and his horses went faster.
- Cheating, guys! Lead to it yourself! - shouted the voice of a tall guy. - Don't let me go, guys! Let him submit the report! Hold it! - voices shouted, and people ran after the droshky.
The crowd behind the police chief, talking noisily, headed to the Lubyanka.
- Well, the gentlemen and the merchants have left, and that’s why we are lost? Well, we are dogs, or what! – was heard more often in the crowd.

On the evening of September 1, after his meeting with Kutuzov, Count Rastopchin, upset and offended by the fact that he was not invited to the military council, that Kutuzov did not pay any attention to his proposal to take part in the defense of the capital, and surprised by the new look that opened up to him in the camp , in which the question of the calm of the capital and its patriotic mood turned out to be not only secondary, but completely unnecessary and insignificant - upset, offended and surprised by all this, Count Rostopchin returned to Moscow. After dinner, the count, without undressing, lay down on the sofa and at one o'clock was awakened by a courier who brought him a letter from Kutuzov. The letter said that since the troops were retreating to the Ryazan road outside Moscow, would the count like to send police officials to lead the troops through the city. This news was not news to Rostopchin. Not only from yesterday’s meeting with Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Hill, but also from the Battle of Borodino itself, when all the generals who came to Moscow unanimously said that another battle could not be fought, and when, with the count’s permission, every night government property and residents were already removing up to half let's leave - Count Rastopchin knew that Moscow would be abandoned; but nevertheless, this news, communicated in the form of a simple note with an order from Kutuzov and received at night, during his first sleep, surprised and irritated the count.

Evgeny Lagunov is a talented Russian swimmer who, by the age of 30, has already earned several gold and silver medals. They usually say about such people that they are talented in everything and can easily achieve what they want. However, like all athletes, success came to Evgeniy gradually and was more likely the result of hard training than ordinary luck.


Evgeny Aleksandrovich Lagunov was born on December 14, 1985 in the city of Arkhangelsk. His childhood, according to Evgeniy himself, can be called the happiest and most carefree, because he had everything: loving parents and close people, a favorite activity and, of course, true friends. It’s hard to imagine, but being such a talented person, he grew up to be a rather modest and self-critical young man who was not used to boasting and exaggerating his victories.

From the age of 7, caring parents sent Evgeniy to swimming, as water exercises healed the body and contributed to the formation of a good athletic figure. It is difficult to say who exactly was the initiator of this particular sport, since the whole family (by the way, led by Evgeniy himself) decided to enroll the child in courses so as not to waste their free time.

It is from this moment that the guy’s career begins. First, he competes in junior competitions in short-distance swims. After several stages, it becomes clear to coaches that with his phenomenal speed and responsiveness, something more than amateur swimming courses is needed.


At the moment when Evgeniy turns 18, it becomes obvious to parents and coaches that a new legend of domestic swimming will soon appear. And if initially he performs only in domestic competitions, where he wins victory after victory, then from the age of 18 he is invited to the Russian National Team. From this moment on, Evgeniy begins to be perceived as a serious, adult competitor, capable of fighting for victory by any means and under any circumstances.

As a member of the juniors, Evgeny Lagunov goes to Glasgow in 2003 for his first world championship. The boy’s parents also travel with him, who constantly support him and cheer for the team at every competition. 5 years later, in 2008, Lagunov attended another major event with the team - the Olympic Games in Beijing, where they took silver in the 4x200 meter freestyle swim.

His incredible talent, phenomenal speed and desire to win do not go unnoticed by the government, and a year after the Olympic Games in Beijing, Evgeny Lagunov is awarded “For his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports.” The award is presented to the guy personally by the mayor of Arkhangelsk, Viktor Pavlenko, followed by a small press conference with the participation of all members of the Russian swimming team. The guys share their emotions with journalists, talk about the ridiculous moments that happened to them in Beijing, and simply enjoy the universal recognition.

Mature years

After receiving an award from the mayor of his hometown, Evgeny Lagunov moves with his family to St. Petersburg, where he continues intensive training. Despite his enormous achievements at such a young age, he admits that even greater victories require intense and daily exercise. “Of course, I am happy about the gold medals, but my own result is important to me, the one that is not measured by awards. And I still have to improve it",” admits Evgeny Lagunov in an interview with one of the Russian TV channels.

Today, the successful and talented swimmer is supported not only by his parents, but also by his own family - his beautiful wife Maria and two sons - Oleg and Roman. They travel the world together, come to competitions and even training sessions to see how dad’s talent will be appreciated again and again at yet another game.

Young but extremely experienced - an athlete, an Olympian. His sport is swimming (50, 100, 200 meters). At one time, Evgeniy trained with an experienced specialist S. Katsegorova, a coach who trained many talented athletes. For a long time, Lagunov has been defending the honor of the Russian national team. At the Beijing Olympics (August 2008), Evgeniy and his relay team swam excellently and won a high position at the finish line of the swim.

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Lagunov was born on December 14, 1985 in the city of Arkhangelsk. He always liked swimming and therefore Zhenya enjoyed going to swimming school. The future Olympian was attracted by his dynamism and movement. It was this sport that was optimal for Lagunov’s physical development.

Soon Lagunov achieved great success. Almost immediately he was allowed to participate in junior competitions. Then Evgeniy began to win one victory after another.

Experts considered Lagunov a true all-rounder. By right. The talented athlete competed in various disciplines and achieved victories in each of them. As a result, Evgeniy decided to focus on short swims. Of course, he was distinguished by incredible acceleration and excellent sprint pace.

Until 2003, Evgeniy competed in internal competitions. In the same season, Lagunov was accepted into the Russian state national team.

The young swimmer achieved his first success at a high level in 2004. He became a silver medalist at the European Championship. In the same season, Lagunov made his debut at the Olympic Games, which were held in Athens. He took part in relay races at a distance of 4 x 100 meters and, together with his comrades, made it to the finals. Although he was unable to achieve a podium position, Lagunov gained invaluable experience.

Subsequent years were less successful. Lagunov was unable to achieve gold medals at major competitions. However, in 2008, Evgeniy finally returned to his previous level. At the beginning of the year he became the national champion. His joy was incredible.

Lagunov was one hundred percent ready for the Olympics in Beijing. He took part in the final swim of the 4 x 200 meter relay and achieved the highest result. The Russian won silver at the Olympics, confirming his international class.



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