Sunday school lesson on harvest. Sunday school lesson “Purity and holiness in walking before God and people”

Sunday school lesson on harvest. Sunday school lesson “Purity and holiness in walking before God and people”

Sunday school lesson

When teaching children in Sunday school, we often model a situation or analyze a specific case, drawing conclusions about what should or should not be done.

"Forewarned is forearmed!" - says popular wisdom.

And the Scripture says: “ Instruct a young man at the beginning of his path; he will not turn away from it when he is old." Etc. 22:6.

So, the topic of the lesson: “Purity and holiness in walking before God and people.”

We remembered both the Old Testament biblical men of faith: Enoch, Moses, Samuel, Abraham, Joseph, David, and the New Testament: the Apostles, Stephen, Paul, Timothy... And although some of them had mistakes and falls - the Lord, seeing their repentance and firmness faith, blessed them in life and beyond.

We briefly focused on those who, having the knowledge of the truth, ended their lives badly: Gehazi, Ananias and Sapphira, Judas...

Reflecting on the topic of holiness, I proposed to analyze a situation that actually happened in our Church several years ago:

So, two young men were friends. One is an unbeliever, the second is from a believing family. The second young man was a Christian, he prayed, read the Word of God, and testified about Christ to his friends.

And then one day they were walking down the street. An unbelieving friend is holding a can of beer. They walk slowly and talk.

And then the unbelieving friend’s shoelace came undone. Without hesitation, he hands a can of beer to his believing friend with the words: “Hold it.”

The believing young man automatically took it in his hands, and the non-believer squatted down to tie the lace.

At this time, a bus passed nearby with an elderly Christian couple on board. The believers on the bus saw, oh horror! - a young Christian... with a can of beer in his hand. They simply didn’t pay attention to the one who bent down to tie his shoelace...

On Sunday they approached the young man’s parents and told what they had seen. After some time, others learned about this story...

The young man insisted in every possible way that he did not drink, but simply held it... But some openly condemned: “Yes, we know)). Everyone says like that…"

This young man and his parents suffered a lot for this crime...

So what did the young man do wrong when he acted wrongly? - I asked the children a question.

I had to walk down the street where there was no one...,” Andrei raised his hand and said.

This is not a solution, we read in the Word of God: “ There is nothing secret that would not come to light, and nothing hidden that would not come out" Mr. 4:22. We need another solution.

There is no need to be friends with non-believers,” Olga said.

But Jesus said: " I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from evil.”. John 17:15. " You are the light of the world..." Mtf. 5:14. Those. Our task is not to run “to the monastery”, not to leave this world, but to be light and salt in this world.

After some thought we came to the conclusion that To the unclean should simply not touch .

« And therefore... do not touch the unclean; and I will accept you" – 2 Cor. 6:17.

Any dirt, impurity, sinfulness is an abomination before God. Without repentance and abandonment of sin there will be no victory.

You want to overcome sin: remember the First Psalm about the “Blessed Man” - this man was immensely happy, because he “does not walk in the counsel of the wicked and does not stand in the way of sinners and does not sit in the assembly of the wicked, but his will is in the law of the Lord, and He meditates on His law day and night! » Ps. 1:1,2. Bliss is happiness, which can exist even in grief and worries, because the Lord takes care of a person. “And he will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither; and in everything he does, he will succeed.” Ps. 1:3.

So, what was the young man’s mistake: that he did not stay awake and extended his hand to the unclean.

Conclusion: " Stay awakeand pray that you will not fall into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak».
Mtf. 26:41

Lesson topic: “Why do you need to forgive? “

Bible text to remember: “Forgive if you have anything against anyone, so that your Heavenly Father may also forgive you your sins.” (Gospel of Mark 11:25)

Resentment and forgiveness are quite a relevant topic for discussion. Why is it so easy to be offended and hard to forgive?
Children have to choose several times a day: to give in or not, to be offended or to forgive. Fortunately, they endure this “disease” more easily than adults; they are more likely to forget, and less likely to remember. If they remember, then, as a rule, without malice. But there are different situations, different grievances and different children. Someone chooses a stone, another - “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Forgiving becomes unfashionable and humiliating, because there is another slogan: “Only weak people who cannot stand up for themselves forgive.” But is this true?
What does the Bible say about offenses and forgiveness; Who and what is destroyed by resentment and thirst for revenge? Why is it necessary to forgive? It is these serious things that you should talk about in children's language in today's lesson.

During the classes:

1 . Congratulations from the teacher. Do this judiciously and moderately. Tell your children that you miss them, hug them, let your touch, like your word, carry warmth and acceptance. Many children need the ministry of your hands - a warm hug.
Tell them about which one of them you prayed for in particular last week, for whom your heart was worried; Which of the children might you have dreamed about... Children really love such conversations, such simple signs of attention. Therefore, a few such minutes will unite you with the children at the very beginning of the lesson.
Love children! Love their eyes, their thoughts and appreciate their trust.
Time will fly, the grains will sprout, and then, lo and behold, the harvest will arrive. Now the child's soul is learning to pray, read the Word of God and trust Him.
Ask God for wisdom for yourself so that your service to children will be blessed!”

2. Prayer. Time spent in prayer is a happy time. Explain this to the children. And if you love prayer, then teach your children to do it too.
Every word in prayer is weighty and important, but how you speak to God is also important. That is, is the heart present at that moment, or perhaps only the mind?
Give your children a reliable “shield” - teach them to pray!

3. Arrival Toys. Today she is very upset, disappointing, because she was offended. Invite the children to cheer her up. They do this with pleasure, but it’s all in vain, because bitter resentment penetrated into the Toy’s heart and stole the joy. However, comfort her with the fact that today in class you will read the Bible, and it says everything about forgiveness.

4 . Checking homework.

6. Introducing children to the topic of the lesson. Ask your little listeners whether they were offended in their lives, who they were offended by and why, or did they forgive the offender? Find out their opinion about how they understand offense, what it is; what it means to “forgive” and what a person does when he forgives.
If today’s introduction to the topic takes the form of dialogue, great! Thinking children are attentive children!
And for clarity, take a piece of light fabric and pierce it with a thorn. This will symbolize the resentment that has penetrated the heart and brought with it discomfort. Until we forgive (the thorn is removed), we will not get rid of this disharmony.

7. Game "Rag". To carry it out you will need: a board with a laminated surface or plain glass; marker and damp cloth.
Each child draws with a marker on the board everything that his “soul desires,” and you erase the drawings with a damp cloth.
Communicate with children while playing, answer their questions, ask yourself. If you have a large group of students, allow two or three to draw at the same time to speed up the game.
The moral of this game is that for God there is no sin that He cannot forgive, “erase” and forget. Jesus does not forgive only unconfessed sin.
Regarding people, we must forgive offenses, for the Lord first forgave us and left this commandment. And yet, we ourselves are capable of offending and we also need forgiveness.
We forgive - we are forgiven: we forget, we erase images from memory - others do the same. To get rid of images means to free ourselves from negative feelings that sadden our soul and push us to do bad things. Only strong children defeat images and do not plan revenge!

8 . Presentation of the topic. The biblical text is the Gospel of Luke 15:11-24, the parable of the prodigal son.
A shining example of forgiveness. Plot story. Interesting details. Tell and explain the parable to the children in a simple, accessible way.
The father forgave his son, for he returned to his father’s house and asked for it. We, too, must ask for forgiveness from God and people, then we will be forgiven. Moreover, the father treated his son generously, and the Heavenly Father gives heaven to all who come to Him in prayer of repentance.

9 . Coloring the picture.

10 . Studying the Bible verse (Mark 11:25) “by footsteps.”
Prepare 15 adult size paper footprints (after all, there are 15 words in a poem). Place them on the floor as if a person had already passed and left them.
Children, walking after each other, following paper trails, repeat the poem in chorus after the adults.
Several such “trips” can be arranged.

eleven . Game “What color is forgiveness?”
To play this game you need: a glass of water, blue and yellow gouache, a brush.
A glass of clear water symbolizes the purity of the heart, not yet stained by insult. But suddenly an unfortunate incident occurs - a person was offended. Dip your brush into blue paint and put it in a glass of water - it turns blue. Coldness and winter came to my heart.
What to do? The man lost his peace. How to solve this problem? How to drive away winter?
Fortunately, the person remembers God and His love, that He forgave her all her sins and also ordered her to forgive. It was as if a yellow ray of sunshine had penetrated her heart, brought with it warmth (dip a brush with yellow paint into blue water) and... again everything came to life, bloomed, turned green, because spring had come - forgiveness.
When blue and yellow are mixed, green is formed. Follow the proportion of paints, it should be 1:1. Be sure to do this experiment at home first so as not to disappoint the children in class.

12 . Performance evaluation.

13. Explanation of homework.

14 . Prayer.

15 . Ads.

“Friends, let's live together”

Lesson topic: “Why is it necessary to forgive?”

Bible text for memorization: “Forgive me, if you lash out at anyone, so that your Heavenly Father may forgive you your sins.” (Gospel according to Mark 11:25)

Imagine that forgiveness is an urgent topic for discussion. Why is it so easy to forgive and why is it so important to forgive?
Children have to choose for a dozen times a day: give up, change or forgive. Fortunately, it’s easier for adults to endure this “illness”, they often forget, sometimes they remember. If you tell a fortune, then, as a rule, without malice. There are different situations, different images and different children. One chooses a stone, another chooses “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Forgiveness is becoming unfashionable, humiliating, because the old saying goes: “It’s only weak people who forgive, because they can’t stand up for themselves.” Ale chi really?
What can we say about the images of the forgiven Bible; Who and what does this thirst for revenge destroy? Why is it necessary to forgive? You will learn about these serious speeches of my child in today’s lesson.


1. Vetannya of the reader. It’s not important to work but it’s faded. Tell your children that you missed them, hug them, let your little one say, it carries with it warmth and acceptance. Many children will require the service of your hands - warm embraces.
Tell them about those for whom you have prayed in a special way over the past year; for whom did your heart praise; Which children might you have dreamed about... Children already love such ideas, so just show respect. That’s why a dozen of such jokes will unite you and your children at the very beginning of the lesson.
Love children! Love their eyes, their thoughts, their cards, and value their trust.
An hour to wash, the grains to germinate, and then, marvel, the stubble will come. Now the child’s soul begins to pray, read the Word of God and trust in Yoma.
Ask God for wisdom for yourself, so that your service to children will be more blessed!”

2. Prayer. An hour spent in prayer is the happiest hour. Explain this to the children. If you love prayer, then teach it to your children.
Every word in prayer is important, important, and even more important, and those as you speak to God. So, whose heart is present at that moment, perhaps not even the mind?
Give your children a reliable “shield” - start praying for them!

3. The arrival of toys. Today she is already embarrassed, restless, and even they have imagined it. Encourage the children to have fun. It’s all about love, but it’s all for nothing, because the bitterness of the image penetrated into the heart of the Toy and stole joy. Just tell me that today in class you will read the Bible, and it says everything about forgiveness.

4. Checking your homework.

6. Awareness of children about the topic of the lesson. Have you heard from your little listeners, who did they see in their lives, who did they look at and for what, and forgave the krivdnikovs? Come to my senses and understand exactly what it is; What does it mean to “forgive” and to forgive a person if he forgives.
It’s wonderful that today’s knowledge of the topic can be seen in dialogue! Kind children are respectful children!
And just to be precise, take a small piece of light fabric and pierce it with a thorn. This symbolizes the image that penetrated the heart and brought with it discomfort. ‘Don’t let us forgive you (a thorn is caught), until we forget this disharmony.

7. Gra “Ganchirka”. To carry this out you will need: a board with a laminated surface or a simple one; marker ta vologa ganchirka.
The skin of the child paints with a marker on the back of everything that her “soul desires”, and with a hairy gancher you erase the little ones.
Spend time with your children while playing, check their nutrition, and feed yourself. If your group has a lot of students, allow two or three of them to paint at the same time, or speed up the painting process.
The moral of this story is that for God there is no such sin that He could not forgive, “erase” and forget, except for inconsistencies, Jesus does not forgive sins.
For the sake of people, we are obliged to forgive the images, for the Lord will first forgive us and deprive us of our command. And we ourselves also need forgiveness.
We forgive - we are forgiven; We forget, we erase the image from memory - others are the same. To awaken images means to escape from negative feelings, which will confuse our soul and lead us to bad things. They will change the image and will not plan to take revenge on the stronger children!

8. Wiklad topics. Biblical text - the Gospel according to Luke 15:11-24 - the parable of the prodigal son.
The bright butt is forgiven. Plot story. Here are the details. Tell and explain this parable to the children in a simple, accessible way.
Father forgave his son, then turned to his father’s house and asked for it. It is also our responsibility to ask forgiveness from God and people, and then we should be forgiven. Moreover, Father generously rose with his son, and the Heavenly Father grants heaven to all who come to Him in prayer of repentance.

9. Rozfarbovuvannya baby.

10. The Bible Verse (Gospel according to Mark 11:25) “according to the traces.”
Prepare 15 paper prints for the legs (and 15 prints for the top) of adult size. Place them on the bed so that no one has already passed by and deprived them of them.
Children, walking one after another, in Paper's footsteps, repeat in chorus after the grown-up top.
Such “outings” can be controlled by dekilka.

11. Gra “What color is forgiveness?”
To carry out this game you will need: a bottle of water, gouache in blue and yellow colors, penzlik.
A bottle with clear water symbolizes the purity of the heart, not yet tainted by an image. But then the cover up begins - the people have been portrayed. You feel the penzlik near the blue farb and drop it into a bottle of water - it turns blue. My heart felt cold that winter.
What is it timid? Lyudina lost her calm. How to solve this problem? How to drive away winter?
Fortunately, people will think about God and His love, about those who have forgiven all their sins and also punished them with forgiveness. A dark, dark feeling penetrated her heart, bringing with it warmth (dip a glass of yellow water into the blue water) and... everything came to life again, blossomed, turned green, because spring had come - forgiveness.
When mixing the blue color with the heat, the greens are created. Follow the proportion of the farb, it will be 1:1. I will definitely do this experiment at home so as not to disappoint the children in class.

12. Robot evaluation.

13. Explanation of home management.

14. Prayer.

15. Stunned.

“Friends, let's live together”

Autumn, Harvest, Thanksgiving

Autumn, Harvest, Thanksgiving

GOAL: To introduce children to the new season - autumn, its signs in nature and human behavior. Teach children to answer simple questions and repeat words after the teacher. Continue to expose children to God's love and care. Cultivate love and gratitude to God, teach to trust Him. Maintain a joyful mood and interest in the activity.

Memory verse: Psalm 53:8. “I will glorify Your name, Lord!”


1. Hello, kids! How smart and cheerful you all are! What beautiful smiles you have! Smile at each other. All our children are friendly and cheerful. Let's all ring the bells together. This means it's time for us to start our Saturday lesson (giving the children bells).

Song "Saturday Bell".

2. A cheerful cat came to our lesson today. Look how fluffy and beautiful she is. She wants to shake your hand. Let's shake her paw (each child takes the toy by the paw). Who came to our lesson? The song “Who came to our lesson?” (Pass it with a mirror in your hands so that the children can see themselves).

3.Look, little children are going with mom and dad to Church on Saturday (picture). They are very joyful. They like to sing songs and pray on Saturday. We also went to Church today. Let's take these children to Church (the flannelgraph is a figure of Jesus, the children attach child figures near Jesus).

The song "Halli, halli, hallelujah!" Singing heart No. 32.

4.Jesus calls the children to pray to Him. We already know how to pray. Look how the kids do it. They closed their eyes, folded their hands, and knelt down (a picture of children praying around Jesus). Song "If I Pray to Jesus" Prayer: “Our Heavenly Father! Thank You for the Sabbath so that we can come to the meetinghouse for Sabbath school. Bless us. Amen".

5.Look what kind of boat sailed to us today. He sailed from a distant country (name the country) to collect gifts for Jesus. Show a picture of children or dolls in national clothes from the country where the donations are going. Bibles will be bought for these children and they will also have a Sabbath school. Let's put our gifts in the boat (they bring gifts to the song “I brought a gift to Jesus”).


I. Story on the carpet “AUTUMN”

1. Children, do you know what time of year it is? Autumn has come! In autumn the leaves turn yellow, the wind blows, the trees sway and the leaves fall to the ground (picture of an autumn landscape).

Leaves are falling, falling -

In our garden the leaves are falling...

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

Look, here they are yellow leaves (show a bouquet of leaves). They turned yellow because it was autumn. Let's sing a song and put the leaves on the floor of this tree (they sing the song with the leaves and then put them on the floor). Song "Singing" heart No. 83.

I want to be obedient to my Jesus,

I want to sing about Him

To everything in creation.

The chorus of birds echoes me.

God is love! God is love!

I'm always ready to sing.

2. In autumn it often rains “Drip-drip, drip-drip!” - rain is dripping (the teacher taps the index finger of his right hand on the palm of his left). Children, like rain dripping (repeat words and movements). When we go for a walk, we take an umbrella (open). The umbrella protects us from the rain (spray water on the umbrella). Let's stand under an umbrella and wait until the rain stops (children stand under an umbrella, the teacher says a poem):

Rain, rain, drop,

Water Saber, Dripping, dripping,

Dripped, dripped

And tired. And he stopped.

3. In autumn, children need to dress well because it is cold. Look how well our doll dressed up. She is dressed in a jacket, hat, boots (we dress the doll) and will go for a walk, and we will sing her a song. Song “Thank You” Singing. heart No. 8.

For the warm light of the sun,

For the exact course of the planets,

For good rain and for rainbows too.

For a quiet night's sleep,

For being with me

I thank You, my God!

4. It’s good in the forest in the fall. The trees have yellow and red leaves. Very beautiful. And mushrooms grew under the trees and fir trees. Mushrooms love rain, then they grow (show a mushroom toy or a cut out figurine). Look, the fungus has a leg and a beautiful cap. Let's go to the forest to collect mushrooms in a basket (while reading a poem, they make a circle around the room and collect mushrooms in a basket on the rug).

We'll go to the woods

We'll find the fungus

In a smart hat

Light chocolate,

Don't hide it, fungus

Under the leaf your side.

That's how many mushrooms we collected!

5.And animals also have a lot of work in the fall. They prepare their houses for winter and collect food for the winter: grains, nuts, cones. And the squirrel also collects mushrooms. She dries them on a branch (picture or prick a fungus on a branch). Winter will come, it will be cold, there will be a lot of snow. There will be no grass, berries, mushrooms. So they will eat their reserves. It was Jesus who taught them to store food. He helps them and protects them (figure of Jesus). Let's treat the squirrel to a mushroom. Where is our basket (treat). Eat, squirrel, eat! Children, say: “Eat, squirrel” (repeat). Squirrel says: “Thank you, kids.”

6. In autumn we harvest: apples, plums, grapes, carrots, cabbage (name and show). Look how many vegetables and fruits there are (a dish with fruits and vegetables). Who helped them grow up? Jesus (show). Jesus made them tasty and healthy so that children would grow up big and healthy (distribute plastic fruits and vegetables). Let's say: "Thank you, Jesus, for the harvest" (repeat). Song: "Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah!"

7.They also collect grains in the fall. They grow in such a spikelet (show spikelet). These grains are used to make flour and bake delicious bread and pies. Let's bake some pies and sing a song. (The song is sung to any simple melody).

"I bake, bake, bake

The kids all have a pie."

(Movements: alternately clap one palm over the other in a horizontal position).

8. How do you get such apples, grains, fruits, and vegetables? People first put a grain in the ground. Jesus sends the sun, it shines and warms the grain. Then Jesus sends rain, he gives some water. The branch grows and apples appear on it (you can show this visually: put a pot of soil, a seed, in the ground, water it from a watering can, then stick a green sprig into the ground). Thank you Jesus! Why does Jesus do this? Because he loves us (go around each child with a figure of Jesus and say: Jesus loves (child’s name). Thank you, Jesus, that you love children. Let’s sing a song about the love of Jesus.

Jesus loves children, hallelujah,

Jesus loves children, Hallelujah,

Jesus loves children, hallelujah,

Jesus loves children, hallelujah!

Jesus heals, hallelujah! (2nd verse).

He will come to us soon, hallelujah! (3rd verse).

9. Look, kids, what I found! This is a watermelon (small sized real watermelon). It has a hard green crust. And inside it is red, juicy and sweet (cut it, give a small piece to try. The children eat, the teacher reads the poem):

This is the kind of watermelon we have -

Tastes wonderful!

Even the nose and cheeks

Everything is in watermelon juice.

Who created such a delicious watermelon for us? Jesus!

Delicious watermelon. It was Jesus who created it for us. What a good Jesus! How He loves us. Let's say to Jesus "Thank you, Jesus for the harvest" (the teacher is holding a figure of Jesus). Repeat 2 times.

Let's learn our memory verse: “I will glorify Your name, O Lord!” Repeat several times and give the children paper cut-out watermelons with the memory verse written on them.

Warm up.

1. Game "Autumn Leaves".

Children are given yellow leaves. The teacher says: “The wind blew (waving a fan), the leaves swirled and flew (children are running around the room) and fell to the ground (crouched).

2.Name autumn vegetables and fruits. Children repeat only the memorable verse after each sentence. Teacher: “For delicious apples!”

Children: (stand up) “Thank you, Lord!”

Teacher: “For sweet watermelon!”

Children: (stand up) “Thank you, Lord!” etc.

II.Biblical story “A Big Dinner of Two Fishes.”

Jesus cares for us. He grew delicious fruits and vegetables for us (show dish). Jesus always makes sure that people have something to eat. Listen to the story of how Jesus fed many people.

When Jesus lived on earth, He helped everyone and people loved Jesus. He told interesting stories about the sky, birds, flowers, and everyone liked to listen to Him. People followed Jesus everywhere. Where Jesus went, people went. Let's show how they followed Jesus (the children followed the teacher around the room). This is how they followed Jesus, and then sat down and listened to His stories. Our children also sat on their chairs and will continue to listen.

One day they listened to Jesus for a long, long time, even without eating all day. The sun began to sink to the ground, soon it will be dark. It's time to go home and sleep. But it’s a long way to go home and I’m so hungry, no one took any food with them. There was no store nearby to buy. Jesus felt sorry for the people. He told his friends: "Give them something to eat." But Jesus’ friends had nothing either. Only one little boy had 5 small buns and 2 small fish (show small size natural products). Let's count on our fingers how much bread the boy had (children straighten or bend their fingers while listening to the poem).

One two three four five!

They only gave me five buns,

One two three four five!

5 pieces of bread and 2 fish are so little, but there are so many people. But Jesus told the people to sit on the grass. First He prayed, and then He began to break the bread into pieces. And Jesus’ friends gave it to the people and ate it all (give out a small piece of bread). Oh, how we all ate! But look how much loaves and fishes are left (on the flannelgraph of the basket with the leftovers). Everyone was surprised how it happened. Let's show how surprised everyone was (spread their arms to the sides). This is what Jesus did. What a good Jesus! He treated all the people. And the people said, "Thank you, Jesus!" Jesus wants everyone to have food. Because he loves us. Let's give mom a treat (cream, grapes, apple - whatever we have) and sing a song.

Song about the kindness of Jesus: “Rejoice, rejoice with us, friends!” Singing heart No. 25.

Rejoice, rejoice with us, friends,

Rejoice, rejoice, praising God.

We sing a song of joy, we live with Jesus!

We walk with Him hand in hand!

Consolidation game.

1. Children, let's go harvest (children walk around the room and collect plastic fruits and vegetables laid out in baskets). The kids did a good job. What a great harvest! It was Jesus who gave us the harvest. Let's say thank you to Jesus.

Reinforcing the memory verse:

2. Song “We read together, He and I!”


Games on the carpet.

They treat the doll and animals;

We are building a house for animals.

Assignment for parents

1. Teach children the prayer of thanksgiving. Don't miss the opportunity to thank God (specifically) with your children.

2. Continue introducing children to the life of animals in the forest in the fall, tell them how they prepare for winter.

3. Take a walk in the autumn forest, show your child growing mushrooms.

4.Feed the animals on the street (cat, dog, sparrow, pigeons).

5.Bake something with your child. Show me and let me try the flour with my hand.

6. Invite someone over for lunch or bring treats with your child to those in need.


1.Bible story with tabletop theater.

2.Instead of painting an autumn landscape, make a model of an autumn forest.

Lesson: First day of Sunday School.

Topic: Why come to VS?

Bible Verse: And they constantly continued in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayer. (Acts 2:42)

Biblical truth: VS is a church for children

Song: Wave your hand to everyone



Introduction: What event happens every year on September 1st? Guys, on September 1, each of you went to school. Some are in fifth grade, some in third, some in first. Answer me this question: why should children go to school? (children's answers) yes, guys, your parents want you to learn to read, write, count, and learn a lot of new things about the world in which we live. This is why you go to school.

Let's think about this question together: Why come to Higher School?

But first, answer me this question: Who usually comes to VS? That's right, VS is intended for children - like you! After all, VS is a church for children. Why do people go to church? Once we answer this question, we can answer another.

Let's read Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, verse 42. “And they continued continually in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayer.”

When the church first began, and there was only one single church in the whole world, people gathered together to:

1. study – The first members of the church studied with the Apostles – disciples of Jesus. Our fathers and mothers study in church with the pastor, and our children study in high school with a teacher. But we all have one textbook - the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God that tells us about God. Every time you come to VS, you will learn more about God from His Book.

2. communicate – When people who believe in Jesus communicate with each other, it helps them become better and stronger. They can help each other, follow each other's example, support each other when it's hard for them. Children from high school also need to be friends and communicate with each other.

3.break bread – this was the commandment given by Jesus. Believers were required to regularly remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. By breaking bread, they fulfilled this important commandment. We too can remember the suffering of Jesus together.

4. pray – of course, people come to church to pray. And we at VS also pray to Jesus. In prayer we glorify God, ask Him for our needs and the needs of our friends, tell Him about our actions, sins, thoughts, desires. And when we pray together, the power of our prayers increases.

The early church members did this ALL THE TIME!

We also need to constantly, every Sunday, come to church and to the Higher School, so as not to miss anything.

Let's read our Bible verse together now:

“And they continued continually in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayer.” (Acts 2:42)

The Bible clearly tells us that every believer in Jesus Christ must go to church. Church for children is your Sunday school. You need to come to Sunday School to learn from the Bible, communicate with fellow believers like you, remember together the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, pray together and do thousands of other things. All of this will help you grow in faith in Jesus and glorify Him in your life. So let's be faithful in this matter, because Sunday School is created for you, it is a church for children!


Inventory: inflated balloon, music

Line up the children in a circle. Give one of them a balloon. The balloon is a bomb that must be carefully passed around in a circle. You can't throw it - it's a bomb. When the music stops, a question is asked. Whoever does not answer explodes and leaves the game.

1. For whom was the VS created?
2. Which book of the Bible contains our Bible verse for today?
3. What did the first Christians do in the first Church?
4. Why should Christians read the Bible?
5. Why do believers in Jesus need to fellowship with each other?
6. What does breaking bread remind us of?
7. What can we pray to God about together?
8. How often should Christians come to Church?
9. How often should you come to VS?
10. Why do you need to go to Higher School?
11. Recite Acts 2:42

SONG: Wave your hand to everyone (see next message)



This is interesting: