Venetian highlights for short dark hair. Venetian highlighting and what it is

Venetian highlights for short dark hair. Venetian highlighting and what it is

Find out what the Venetian hair highlighting procedure is. Subtleties and features of its implementation.

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Every woman dreams of having beautiful and well-groomed hair, but sometimes you want to make small changes to your appearance. As a rule, hair coloring is used for this purpose. There is an opinion that hair has the ability to accumulate information and can tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, it is not surprising that women strive to change their hairstyle - make adjustments to the shape of the bangs, hair length, hair color, or dye only individual strands.

If you don’t want to make any drastic changes or completely change the color of your hair so as not to spoil its condition, you can carry out the Venetian highlighting procedure - this is a technique that dates back to the 18th century from Italian beauties.

This type of highlighting makes you feel like a real Venetian beauty. This coloring method allows you not to visit the hairdresser every month, but at the same time look young and fresh.

Venetian highlighting - what is it?

Venetian highlighting got its name from its homeland. Italian beauties were famous for their thick and dark hair colors, but they always strived for change. However, in those days there were no modern lightening paints. That is why natural remedies were used as an alternative, which included bright sunlight, under which one had to sit for hours on end.

But the result was worth the effort - the curls faded in the sun and acquired lighter shades from light chestnut to a delicate wheat shade.

As a rule, this technique today is used specifically for dark hair, which can be dyed in a cascade of 5-6 shades, ranging from dark to light.

Today there is no need to sit under the scorching sun for many hours, because an experienced hairdresser using modern coloring agents will help you do Venetian highlighting. Also, if you know all the features of this procedure, you can do it yourself at home. But in the latter case, it is important to strictly follow a certain sequence of actions, since the final result will depend on this.

The main feature of Venetian highlighting is the relief design of dark strands with light curls. At the same time, it is important that the whole image looks as natural and harmonious as possible, and that the hairstyle does not lose its volume.

When using this technique, you cannot use too bright and provocative shades of paint or apply a tinting agent to the hair roots. It is important that the highlighting resembles sun-bleached strands; you also need to correctly design the ends of the hair.

Venetian highlighting will help brown-haired women and brunettes get the effect of natural shimmer in their strands. This result appears after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Even after a long time, when coloring only a few strands, the hairstyle will look voluminous and well-groomed.

Advantages of Venetian highlighting

This procedure for dyeing dark hair, such as Venetian highlighting, has a lot of advantages and benefits:
  1. Dyed hair looks as natural and natural as possible.
  2. For quite a long period of time, tinted strands retain their attractive appearance.
  3. It becomes possible to maintain the basic natural color of the hair, since only a few individual strands are dyed.
  4. The root part of the hair is preserved - the strands are lightened in a gentle way, starting from the middle of the strand.
  5. Venetian highlighting makes it possible to obtain the most natural shade of strands.
  6. There is no need to constantly touch up the regrown part of the hair at the roots.
  7. This type of coloring can be used at any age.
  8. Venetian highlighting can be used not only by those with long hair, but also by those with short hair.

How to do Venetian highlighting at home?

The main feature of this type of coloring is obtaining a smooth step-by-step transition of colors, thereby creating the most natural and natural transition.

Today, Venetian highlighting occupies an honorable place in hairdressing, because during its implementation no drastic methods are used to influence the structure of the strands. When dyeing a certain curl, the hair roots will not be affected, which is why the likelihood of a negative impact on the condition of the scalp is minimized.
This coloring technique helps women look much younger. In addition, Venetian highlighting is very popular among Hollywood stars.

To get a truly unique look and achieve the smoothest transition of colors, cascading hair is used. But to perform Venetian highlighting at home, you must adhere to several rules and features of its implementation:

  1. During simple highlighting, foil is used, but in this case a special cap is used. It has small holes through which the strands are pulled.
  2. It is necessary to prepare several brushes in advance - two fairly wide and one thinner. Such brushes can be found in a specialty store. When creating Venetian highlighting, you need to become a real artist and brushes will be useful for the work.
  3. Coloring compounds must be mixed only in a wooden or plastic container, since metal containers can enter into a chemical reaction with the paint, and the result can be unpredictable.
  4. If, before Venetian highlighting, the strands were painted in different shades, they must first be tinted in one color in order to obtain a uniform result in the end.
  5. If you want to completely dye your hair first, you should wait about 12-14 days before starting highlighting, so as not to harm the strands.
  6. If your hair has a rich dark shade, to give it the effect of sun-bleached strands, you need to use 4-5 warm colors of dye - cognac, milk chocolate, copper, chestnut.
  7. For fair-haired girls, the Venetian highlighting procedure is carried out using the following shades of paint - light linen, wheat, honey and light brown.

You can also use supra. As a result of different exposure times to this chemical reagent, a wide range of light shades of hair can be obtained.

When choosing paints for home Venetian highlighting, you need to be very careful and do not forget to take into account the natural shade of the strands.

Also, for work you need to prepare in advance several hair clips, a massage comb, gloves, and a hairpin, with the help of which you will pull out individual strands from the cap for highlighting.

Before you begin the actual Venetian highlighting procedure, in order to choose the right color scheme, you must first carry out a full dyeing cycle on the back of one strand of hair. Even if the result obtained is far from expected, an unsuccessful strand can be easily hidden in your hair.

It is necessary to check in advance for tolerance to paint, since some chemicals can provoke a fairly strong allergic reaction.

As a rule, you need to do Venetian highlighting on washed and dry hair. During this dyeing procedure, the scalp will not be affected, so there is no need to prepare for dyeing for several days.

Scheme for performing Venetian highlighting

The Venetian highlighting technique is carried out in several main stages:
  • a special cap with slits is put on the head, through which several strands are evenly pulled out to be dyed;
  • using brushes of different thicknesses, strands are cascaded into pre-selected colors;
  • to speed up the dyeing process, it is recommended to wrap the strands in a layer of cellophane and leave for about 25–30 minutes (the paint exposure time is determined taking into account the result that should be obtained);
  • using a mild shampoo and warm water, the remnants of the coloring composition are washed off from the strands;
  • A balm or mask is applied to the hair, designed to restore the damaged hair structure;
  • the strands are dried.
If hair is dyed separately in layers, this highlighting procedure may take several hours.

Contraindications for Venetian highlighting

Despite the fact that this coloring technique has many advantages, there are also certain contraindications, which include:
  • recent hair perm procedure;
  • dyeing hair with a natural toner - for example, basma or henna.
The procedures listed above are not compatible with Venetian highlighting and after coloring, the result obtained may not be what you would like to see. Therefore, you should not take risks, because it is almost impossible to predict the consequences and there is a risk of causing serious damage to the hair structure, and the recovery process will take a lot of time and effort.

Features of hair care after highlighting

The hair highlighting procedure is a gentle one, but, nevertheless, colored hair requires constant and careful care to avoid increased dryness and fragility of the hair.

After completing the dyeing procedure, you need to apply a restorative mask or balm to the strands. The basis of systematic hair care is a proper diet.

To minimize the negative effects of paint chemicals, you should add to your diet:

  • products that contain calcium - for example, fermented milk and dairy products, nuts and cottage cheese;
  • foods rich in vitamin C - legumes, citrus fruits, melons;
  • products that contain valuable fatty amino acids - seafood, fish, vegetable oils, but only cold-pressed (castor, flaxseed, almond, olive).
Venetian highlighting helps to refresh your hair color, while the resulting shade will look as natural and natural as possible. However, to maintain the beauty and health of your hair, you must regularly use restorative and caring masks and balms.

Watch more about Venetian hair highlighting in this video:

This article tells readers about the popular style of highlighting - Venetian. Its advantages and disadvantages are described, as well as the correct combination of colors on different hair tones. What length of hair is suitable, technique for performing the dyeing procedure yourself, at home.

Modern fashion is increasingly drawn towards naturalness and naturalness. This applies to both various accessories, clothing, and coloring of nails and scalp. Among hair coloring techniques, highlighting should be highlighted - this is a technique of coloring individual strands in colors that differ from the main color of the hairstyle.

Not so long ago, the Venetian style of highlighting strands came into fashion. It has become popular due to the fact that it does not cause much damage to the strands being dyed, and the result is very impressive. This is a rather complex style that can be implemented by an experienced stylist or hairdresser, but if a person has the desire and opportunity, then coloring can be done

How will be described in this article. You will also learn the various subtleties of the Venetian style, what color and length of hair it is suitable for.

What is Venetian highlighting?

This style of dyeing strands appeared several years ago, but has already won the respect and recognition of millions of fashionistas and fashionistas around the world. It is based on freedom of action in the execution of the procedure.

That is, there are no clear boundaries for coloring; the performer relies on his creative taste and visual representation of the overall picture that should be obtained after the procedure.

Therefore, each hairstyle highlighted in the Venetian style is individual and unique. It is impossible to know in advance what the hair will look like after the procedure.

The result is a luxurious work of art executed on the hairline. It is not for nothing that this style is chosen by many film and television stars, as well as models and fashion models.

The Venetian style is performed as follows:

  1. Only the middle of the various strands is colored in a chaotic manner. Afterwards they are shaded slightly above and below the staining area. In this case, the color of the tips does not change (at most, it becomes more saturated).
  2. The root zone is made darker or not touched at all.
  3. Most often, strands are dyed in several tones of the same color, which also differ from the main color of the hair. This operation is carried out in several stages until a play of color is achieved (the ideal combination of tones).
  4. The result is a hairstyle with natural top hair, areas with the effect of “burnt strands” and a soft combination of different tones. It looks very impressive, unusual and fascinating.

Features of the procedure:

  • Several coloring steps take more than 3 hours.
  • applied with a cosmetic brush to exposed hair, without using a cap, foil or other protective equipment.
  • There are no basic rules for the color sequence of certain strands.
  • Dyeing is done outdoors, as the coloring composition has a gentler effect on the hair with good access to oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Venetian style of dyeing strands is less traumatic for the hair structure than other coloring methods, so anyone can create their own bright image with virtually no harm to the curls. Among the advantages of the Venetian style, the following can be highlighted:

  • The uniqueness of the image after the procedure (by the way, it is impossible to meet two people with the same Venetian-style highlights).
  • practically does not reach the scalp.
  • During the procedure, no additional devices are used (foil, cap, striper, etc.).
  • The gentle effect of the dye does not damage the hair structure, due to which it retains its natural shine and smoothness.
  • Renewal of highlighting consists of tinting the roots, and is performed once every 3-4 months.
  • The paints used for Venetian highlighting are based on organic matter (natural extracts and extracts of plants and herbs).
  • Less than half of the main scalp is dyed.

Coloring in the Venetian style also has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • If the hairline does not have a uniform color, then it must be imparted by dyeing all the hair. Only after this is highlighting performed. The result is double coloring, which harms the hair.
  • Although the procedure is considered gentle, it still has a negative effect on hair health. Therefore, after coloring it is necessary to undergo a course of use

What types, tones and lengths of hair is it suitable for?

This style of highlighting is perfect for hair of any length, with the exception of very short haircuts, since on short hair it is impossible to create smooth transitions and coloring of the middle strand.

The thickness of the hairline does not matter when performing coloring. Thin hair becomes visually more voluminous after coloring. And thick hair is an ideal platform for Venetian highlighting.

Highlighted with this style, they look more natural and natural. On straight strands, the color is more noticeable and expressive.

Perfect for those with dark hair. They will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, and also give a person’s image lightness and freshness. Venetian highlighting is chosen by owners of dark hair who are not ready to radically change their image, but only want to refresh it and add charm to it. When performing Venetian highlighting on, an interesting play of color is created if the color palette has been chosen correctly.

Light hairstyles must be colored in darker colors before highlighting, since the Venetian style is more noticeable against the background of dark tones. Here the key point is the choice of paint, since it is very difficult to create a play of color on light brown and light strands. It all depends on the skill of the person who will do the coloring. By the way, very light hair color is practically not dyed in a similar style, because it looks unnatural.

Venetian highlighting at home

If you have a great desire, and you have the opportunity to carry out Venetian highlighting at home, then you can proceed by first studying the technology described below.

If you do not have experience in coloristics (combination and selection of color palettes) and doing your own highlighting, then you should not start this procedure, as you can ruin your image with a terrible range of colors. It is best to trust a stylist or hairdresser.

But, if you still decide to perform the procedure, then prepare the necessary tools and materials, namely:

  • Panoramic mirrors (if you have an assistant, they will not be needed).
  • Fabric to cover your shoulders and back.
  • Special hook.
  • for highlighting (with holes for pulling out strands).
  • Paints are the same color, but different tones.
  • Cosmetic brushes (depending on the number of paint tones).
  • Containers for diluting paint (calculate one container per tone of paint).
  • Gloves (rubber or polyethylene).

You can lighten your hair using natural products. Freshly squeezed lemon juice or a combination of honey and olive oil are great for this.

Do not wash your hair before the coloring procedure for 2-3 days, since the natural fat layer formed during this period partially neutralizes the aggressive effect of the coloring agent.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Comb your hair, then put on the cap so that it fits snugly to your head.
  2. Using a crochet hook, pull out the strands you are going to color.
  3. Cover your shoulders and back with a cape and start preparing coloring compositions (it is advisable to have 3-4 different tones).
  4. Put on gloves and start applying the coloring composition to those strands that you pulled out through the holes of the cap. When applying paint, keep in mind that the distance from the roots should be at least 3 cm; do not paint the ends either. Apply different sequential combinations of tones (from light to dark, or vice versa).
  5. After application, wait 25-30 minutes, but do not over-expose.
  6. Rinse off the coloring composition without removing the cap with warm water, then remove it and rinse again, this time using shampoo.
  7. Dry your hair with a towel and let it dry naturally (without using a hair dryer or other drying device).

Ready! Be happy with the result. If you performed the technological process correctly and chose the right color palette, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The modern beauty industry offers many options for hair coloring. Venetian highlighting is one of the most popular and current technologies that will give your strands additional volume, shine and hide gray hair.

This technique can be compared to painting on hair. The coloring composition is applied to the curls with a brush, it seems that the master is using strokes to bring out tints and reflections on your hair. The effect of sun-kissed hair is an undoubted trend this season.

French highlighting, as it is also called, was known to beauties back in the Middle Ages. It was then that the fashion for strands bleached to white or golden color, which look very natural, first appeared.

Before the invention of special formulations, the women of Venice, who are famous not only for their temperament, but also for their luxurious dark hair, could sit for hours under the scorching Italian sun in order to get the desired result in the form of slightly lightened curls. This is where the name “Venetian highlighting” comes from.

What is this technique

The peculiarity of this technique is a small number of lightened curls and a smooth transition into the main dark color. These light strands can add texture to the coloring and dynamics to the hairstyle.

“Amber Milanese highlighting” is another name for this technique. This refers to one of the varieties of California highlighting, in which coloring is done on dark or light hair, highlighting amber, wheat, golden, light brown, chocolate curls.

This highlighting is a fairly mild type of coloring that can be done without the use of foil or special paper. The hairdresser, like an artist, applies the coloring composition to the desired strands, achieving a smooth transition. Foil is used if the hair is very heavy and the composition lies unevenly on it; in this case, you cannot do without it.

The technique is a little similar to ombre. Dyeing is carried out only on the lower part of the hair length. This technique is often confused with California highlighting or shatush coloring. Main differences:

  • Venetian lightening creates a contrasting transition between colors. For example, brunettes have white strands.
  • Shatush resembles ombre. But in the first case, a greater contrast is achieved between the roots and the length.
  • There are no sharp transitions in California highlighting. Lightening is carried out by two to three tones.


This method of transformation can create a very beautiful and natural effect on the hair, but these are not all its positive aspects:

  1. The coloring composition is not applied to the scalp and the base of the curls.
  2. The acquired effect lasts for a long time.
  3. Dark-haired girls can make strands of different shades, while the bulk of the hair will not be affected.
  4. Coloring is carried out in a chaotic manner. This makes the hairstyle appear fuller and more voluminous.
  5. Coloring does not require correction.

    The dye must be applied at a distance of one and a half centimeters or more from the roots. Even rapid hair growth will not spoil your appearance. An excellent solution for refreshing the color of long hair.

  6. The technique is used on both natural and colored hair.
  7. You can dye it at home.


Like any chemical effect, this technology has its disadvantages:

  1. The quality of bleached curls will deteriorate. Take care of purchasing nourishing, restorative masks.
  2. The strands may become dry and porous. Advice: for the first few weeks after the procedure, do not use straightening irons or curling irons.
  3. If your hair has an uneven shade, then you need to dye it, giving your hair a natural color. Only after this can you begin to lighten.

Selecting a shade

It should not be too bright or unnatural. Otherwise, others will pay attention to him and not to you.

For Venetian highlighting, approximately four shades of paint are used, the choice of which should be approached very carefully.

  • Owners of dark, black hair should choose amber, chocolate, wheat, caramel, and honey colors.
  • Blonde girls are better off trusting professionals. Using light colors of paint will not achieve the desired effect, and using dark shades requires certain skills, otherwise you risk ruining your hair. And then you will have to pay a considerable amount for restoration.
  • Fashionable colors for strands are coffee, cognac, wheat and caramel-honey.

Natural shades, a gradual transition from dark color at the roots to light color at the tips - this is what fashionable and current lightening looks like.

Dyeing hair of different colors

This method of transformation looks great on chestnut, dark brown hair, and light strands.

Dark hair

The soft lightening technique looks most advantageous on dark curls. With this technique, you can use ammonia-free paints, the harm of the procedure is minimized. You have an almost unlimited choice of shades.

Venetian coloring looks great on dark brown hair if you choose warm curl colors: golden, sand, nut, milk chocolate. The hairdresser can darken some of the strands, and the result will be highlighting and bronding at the same time. The main thing is that the coloring looks natural. It’s as if the sun itself worked on your hairstyle.

Some girls do highlighting at home. If you are one of those, then follow these tips:

  1. To begin, prepare the equipment: a brush or toothbrush, an oxidizing agent, several shades of paint, a cap, a hook.
  2. Wash your hair.
  3. Dry and comb the strands thoroughly.
  4. Put on a highlighting cap.
  5. Using a hook (you can use a crochet hook), carefully pull out the strands that need to be dyed.
  6. Distribute the coloring composition, slightly retreating from the base of the curl.
  7. After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the paint.
  8. Apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask, then rinse it off.
  9. Dry your hair and style.

Venetian highlighting on dark hair in a salon - video

Blonde hair

Dyeing blonde hair has its own nuances:

  • for the ends, use paint of ash, nut, light chocolate color;
  • for a smooth ombre, add dark brown, caramel color;
  • shades must be selected very carefully, there should be no sharp transitions, otherwise the hairstyle will look sloppy;
  • to facilitate the process, divide your hair into several sectors;
  • Apply the lightening composition at a distance of three centimeters from the roots, and at the top of the head, reduce the distance to two centimeters.

The steps of the staining procedure are the same as described above.

If the desired effect is not obtained, then it is necessary to carry out additional tinting of the curls using gentle coloring agents. There is no need to re-highlight, over time the shade will wash out and become lighter.

It is important to know

Venetian highlights are not performed on hair dyed with henna or after a recent perm.

Most experts advise contacting a specialist. And there are reasons for this:

  • Hairdressing salons use a special cream that has the special qualities necessary for this type of procedure. It has a thick paste-like consistency, thanks to which the composition envelops the desired curl without affecting neighboring strands. In conventional lightening, liquid blondoran is used, which may leak.
  • It is difficult for a person to apply uniform coloring throughout his entire head, especially on the back of his head.
  • It is difficult to carry out the procedure at a fast pace; as a result, some strands may turn out whiter than others.
  • An experienced hairdresser will select a highlighting technique that suits your hair specifically, using special paper, foil, with or without backcombing.

Multi-tone Venetian coloring requires
certain skills. In order for highlighting to look beautiful and “expensive,” it is better to entrust this procedure to professional colorists with experience.

Venetian highlighting is considered one of the most modern and popular salon services, the fashion for which has not faded for several years. And this is not surprising, because when a girl wants change, the first thing she does is change her hair color. And the Venetian technique does not require radical repainting, and is performed without much harm to the curls.

This is a gentle color change, without radical changes

What is unique about such a procedure, and is it possible to perform this technique independently?

This type of coloring is based on a smooth, uniform lightening of several curls to give the hair the most natural, slightly burnt look. The “Venetian highlighting” coloring technique has long been familiar to Italian fashionistas who wanted to become an example for everyone’s admiration. Only in those days did dark-haired ladies deliberately spend several hours under the hot, burning sun so that their strands would fade and become lighter and more golden. Now you no longer need to torment your curls so much; on the contrary, such highlighting is considered the softest and safest type of coloring.

When using this technique, some of the hair becomes lighter by just a few tones, so there are no sharp transitions in the curls. And the lively strands shimmer effectively, adding originality to your hair color.

To learn more about what Venetian highlighting is, you need to reveal its advantages as much as possible. So, the Venetian technique has many advantages:

  • this coloring makes it possible to disguise the first gray hair;
  • lovers of natural beauty will also suit this option, because highlighted curls look as natural and spontaneous as possible;
  • bleached strands make the image more modern and younger, and the oval of the face acquires more expressive outlines;
  • natural hair color, at the same time, becomes deeper and more saturated;
  • the play of shades gives the haircut texture and gives the skin a fresher look;
  • the hair seems lighter and much more voluminous;
  • Compared to conventional lightening, Venetian coloring does not have such an aggressive effect on hair curls and roots;
  • suitable for both short and long strands, while the hair color and age of the woman also does not matter;
  • regrown roots do not need to be constantly tinted;
  • returning to the previous color is much easier than with a complete repainting.

Another advantage of this technique is that even a few weeks after the procedure, your hair will look stylish and fresh.

How to do Venetian highlighting at home

Without knowing certain subtleties of coloring, it is difficult to achieve a natural transition of all strands the first time. But we will show you how to do Venetian highlighting at home so that it does not differ in quality and beauty from the salon version.

This type of staining can be done independently.

Initially, prepare everything necessary for the procedure, namely:

  1. a paint brush or a regular toothbrush;
  2. 2 combs with rare and dense teeth, as well as a thin handle for separating strands;
  3. disposable gloves;
  4. a package of paint with the selected shade (preferably ammonia-free);
  5. composition for blonding;
  6. a non-metallic container for combining the components (so that the paint does not react with the dishes);
  7. hairpins or clips for greater ease of application;
  8. heavy fat face cream.

It would also be a good idea to throw a special cape or towel over your shoulders, and also dress in something you don’t mind getting stained with paint.

To do this, you need to remember a number of simple steps

The Venetian technique itself is performed in the following order:

  1. Since the strands must be clean before dyeing, you must first wash your hair and dry it naturally (with highlighting, the curls will be stressed, there is no need to further harm your hair by using a hair dryer).
  2. Also, it would be ideal to cut off all the split ends so that the hairstyle looks more well-groomed and neat.
  3. Before dyeing, curls should be the same shade, so if your hair has curls of different colors, first tint them to match your natural tone.
  4. Treat your ears, neck and forehead with a rich cream that will protect the skin from paint.
  5. To obtain natural transitions, you can stretch and comb the curl against hair growth, and paint the remaining part first with lightener (20-25 minutes), and then with the selected shade.
  6. The exposure time of the paint depends on the chosen brand and tone. You can find it in the instructions for use (on average no more than 45-60 minutes).
  7. You need to start the procedure with the lower strands, pinning the rest of the hair on the top of the head. Separating the curls horizontally, gradually move to the top, not letting a single curl pass without attention.
  8. Do not touch the hair roots (make an indent of 3-4 cm). This way you won't have to constantly adjust your hairstyle every few weeks, and it will cause much less damage to your hair. Otherwise, use your imagination to the maximum.
  9. The advantage of this technique is that the curls do not need to be wrapped in cellophane, foil or a towel. This ensures more gentle and soft coloring.
  10. After the allotted time has passed, the composition must be thoroughly rinsed. And to prevent your curls from getting tangled from backcombing, before rinsing, apply conditioner for colored hair to the entire surface of your head and slowly comb each strand.

The result will exceed all expectations

Finally, dry your curls with a towel and style your hair as usual. Although the technique is considered very gentle, hair may become a little unruly after the Venetian highlighting procedure. How to make your curls softer after coloring - just buy a nourishing mask for colored hair.

What you need for Venetian highlights on dark hair

This option is well suited for owners of dark hair who do not want to radically change their hair color or harm their curls by completely bleaching them. If you want to do Venetian highlighting at home, try to make the process go as quickly as possible. Indeed, in this case, even 10-15 minutes can affect the fact that some strands will be lighter than others. In order to reduce harm when painting, it is better to choose paint that does not contain ammonia.

When highlighting, cognac, amber, nut, coffee and honey shades are perfect for brown-haired women. And if you like to experiment with your appearance, you can try combining 2 or 3 tones together.

Coloring looks especially impressive on dark hair.

When performing Venetian highlights on dark hair, you don’t need to try too hard. On the contrary, dyed curls should look natural and relaxed, without sharp lines or transitions. Therefore, such a procedure does not require any special skills, but only inspiration and the desire to create!

What are the secrets to dyeing blonde hair?

Venetian highlighting on light hair is performed in the same way as on dark hair, only the strands are not lightened, but chaotically shaded. This technique is more commonly called California highlighting, because the reverse approach is used. After the procedure, the hair looks more vibrant and voluminous, while giving the impression of naturally bleached hair. Blondes will look most harmonious with the color of milk chocolate, light brown, caramel or nut shade. You need to choose a dye just a couple of shades darker than your natural curls, so that the dyed strands do not stand out and are not noticeable. On light hair, the Venetian highlighting technique will be similar to blonding, which has not gone out of fashion for many years.

Is Venetian dyeing suitable for short hair?

Unlike similar types of coloring, the Venetian highlighting technique for short hair looks quite appropriate and natural (especially on brunettes). In addition, the curls can be dyed in both wide and thin stripes, or you can change only the color of the ends, giving them a playful look.

Short hair is not a contraindication for Venetian highlighting

If you wear a very short haircut (such as a tomboy or pixie), combined with a Venetian dye, your hairstyle may look a little untidy and messy.

How to do highlights on brown hair

Venetian highlighting for light brown hair is done in very light shades (honey, sand, ash), which creates a certain play of highlights and shadows on the curls. At the same time, the hair looks much more voluminous, and the natural light brown color becomes deeper and more alluring. When coloring light brown columns, the main thing is to choose the desired tone and the number of bleached strands. Just remember that this procedure cannot be performed after curling and dyeing with henna or basma.

The palette of shades is varied and its choice is a matter of taste

Venetian highlighting at home is not at all difficult to perform on strands of any color and length, and you can change your image at any time convenient for you, completely free of charge, and without leaving home.

Even in ancient times, the beauties of Venice came up with the most unusual ways to partially lighten black curls. The modern beauty industry offers simpler methods for creating the effect of burnt hair. Venetian highlighting allows you to make changes to your appearance and create a new image without radical methods.

Features of the technology

Venetian highlighting for dark hair has some peculiarities. In the photo you can see unusual versions of this technique. This technique represents a smooth and not very noticeable transition of a natural shade into colored curls. In this case, the strands can be lighter or darker than their natural color.

Most often, various shades of ash, caramel or milk are used for coloring. Cognac, chocolate and golden tones are also in fashion.

Advice! The color of the strands can be chosen not only to match the natural shade of the hair, but also to the tone of the skin.


This type of highlighting has many advantages:

  • About half of the hair is not dyed, so there will be less damage from dyes.

  • You can always return to your original shade.

The disadvantages include the complexity of the procedure. In addition, it may take several hours to complete. This type of dyeing cannot be performed after perm or dyeing in a dark color.

Advice!When highlighting, the hair roots are not affected, so there is no need to regularly correct the growing roots.

Selecting a shade

It is not necessary to apply brightly light colors to dark hair. It is better to use muted palettes that will not hurt the eyes. These include caramel, cognac, chestnut and copper tones.

Brown-haired women and brunettes can choose amber, walnut or cognac colors.

Advice! Honey, wheat, golden and caramel strands allow the color to spread in beautiful highlights along the entire length of the hair. This creates natural transitions.

Venetian highlighting technique

Venetian highlighting on dark hair requires some preparation. In this case, the coloring technique matters.

The procedure consists of the following important steps:

  • Preparing the strands.
  • Carrying out highlighting.
  • Special care.

The Venetian highlighting technique does not involve the use of foil. At the same time, the coloring composition dries naturally, which does not cause much harm to the strands.

Dark curls are lightened before the main procedure. This is necessary to create a more saturated shade. Re-staining can be done only after three months.

The shade is “stretched”, which allows you to create smooth and natural transitions between strands of different colors.

Advice! With this type of coloring, you need to carefully select shades. Not every master can do this correctly.

Highlighting in the salon

Before performing Venetian highlighting, some preparatory work is carried out.

If the curls have been dyed, then before the procedure you need to remove the remaining coloring component. In this case, substances are used that can be purchased in the store or made independently.

In some cases, cleaning is carried out in several stages. After cleansing, you need to trim the split ends. Before dyeing in the salon, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried well.

  • The procedure begins with separating the strands.
  • The separated hair is secured with special hairpins.
  • After painting, the head is wrapped in film.
  • After 35-40 minutes, the polyethylene is removed.
  • Curls are washed with shampoo and conditioner.

Advice!When dyeing, you need to make a small indent from the roots, about 4-6 cm. In this case, the dyed strands may come into contact with each other.

Coloring at home

When performing this technique, no foil is used. To create the desired shade, about 3-4 colors are mixed. Before the procedure, you need to test the coloring composition for possible allergies.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • The paint is mixed in plastic containers, since metal containers can react with the coloring components.
  • Hair should be washed and dried well.
  • First, the tip of the strand is dyed to check whether the color is suitable or not.
  • The hairs need to be distributed taking into account the selected combination.
  • Individual strands are taken one by one and painted with a brush in the prepared paint. The paint should be distributed over the drawn strands with light strokes.
  • When all the curls are evenly dyed, the composition is left on the hair for 30–45 minutes. In this case, the hair must be covered with film.
  • After the measured time has passed, you wash your hair and apply conditioner. This painting scheme is considered the simplest. If a more complex composition is produced, it will take much more time.

Don't forget to make small indents from the roots. The longer the dye is left on the hair, the lighter the resulting shade will be. To obtain the desired shade, several tones are mixed at once.

Transitions should be smooth, without sudden jumps. If the transitions are soft, the hairstyle will become more voluminous.

Advice! If the shade does not suit you, then the color can be slightly changed towards something more similar to the desired option.

Who shouldn't dye their hair this way?

If you are prone to allergies, you need to check the body's reaction to such components.

Advice! Owners of too dark strands should pay attention to bronze, chocolate and blueberry tones. An unusual solution would be to use red strands.

Care for highlighted hair

  • It is not recommended to use a straightening iron, hair dryer or curling iron for several weeks.
  • Shampoos can only be used with a certain content; they should not contain sulfates.

  • Short curls can even be washed with laundry soap, but not more than once a week. To ensure that your curls do not lose their attractiveness, you need to regularly use nourishing formulations in the form of balms and masks.
  • Excellent care is provided by various infusions of chamomile or nettle.
  • Systematic care also includes proper nutrition. The diet should include dairy products, citrus fruits, as well as foods high in fatty amino acids and fruits.

Advice!To strengthen the strands, you should use different healing masks. Vegetable, bread, fruit and oil-containing masks are effective.

Coloring should only be done on completely healthy curls. If your hair has been dyed before, you need to inform the hairdresser about this.

When performing Venetian highlighting, it is worth remembering that natural shades look best for such a procedure. You should also consider the following recommendations:

Advice!The dyed strands should be wrapped in cellophane. This will speed up the dyeing process. If staining is carried out in layers, the procedure may take 2.5-3 hours.



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